To Live is Christ

DSC_0021By Judy Villanueva

For me, to live is Christ. (Philippians 1:21)

With my eyes closed, I soaked in the beauty of the worship ballad being sung over the congregation.  It was a sweet melody that offered an enfolding of love so scrumptious that I felt I could stand under it all day long.  Suddenly, a jarring noise from across the aisle pierced the song and shook me out of my blessed trance.  Feeling my peace disturbed, I glanced over in search of the source of these discordant notes and felt my breath catch as I found it!  There, across the aisle, was the most beautiful face lifted upwards and a little boy singing at the top of his lungs.  With one hand on his walker, he stood and belted out his perfect gift of worship with a smile that I believe lit the heart of God.  I wiped away tears, deeply touched and taught by this pure and holy offering of love.

The experience felt like a sacred moment where God was pointing to purity and saying, “Look!”  I’ve been praying lately about my fickle heart that, in one moment flows with love and, in the next, with self-interest and impatience.   I don’t like that.  It feels jangling and yet, reminds me of my great need for Christ and the fact that, while saved by grace, I am still a “creature in-process” of becoming holy.

The discord in my heart alerts me to the choices I have throughout the day to either turn to the Holy Spirit for help to live well or follow the impulses of my heart.

Without this tension, I’d likely become complacent and  step out of the flow of grace that is meant to wash, refine and carry me into the likeness of Christ.

I want to live, love and worship from a pure heart and truly mean it when I say, “For me, to live is Christ!”  Today, as I prayed for God’s help, I became aware that Jesus had drawn near and was, once again, pointing to something and saying, “Look!”  There was a hush in my soul as I turned my attention to my dearest friend who gently and lovingly drew my eyes to the cross.

There, beneath the echo of love’s purest song, I could feel my heart surrender and all preoccupation give way to joyous gratitude!

Can it be that simple?  In the shadow of the cross my heart is inspired, filled up and set free!  Love’s purest gift made a way once…and once and for all.

“Jesus, thank you for the cross and for belting out your purest gift of love so that I can be set free.  Help me remember that my job is one of receiving this gift and letting it empower me to live well.  Thank you for that little boy who gave me a picture of a heart freed to love!  Amen.”

What about you?

What does “To live is Christ” mean to you?

Do you want what you want?

Can you discern the discordant notes in your soul that are meant to help you feel  your need for Christ?

Have you felt the power of the cross wash over you?

Stand still and look up at your dearest friend…on the cross…pouring out love’s purest gift to set you free.

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2 thoughts on “To Live is Christ

  1. My favorite verse! Beautiful words and reminders to live moment by moment by and for Him. And to finish the verse, TO DIE IS GAIN! May we BE READY! I love that song!!!! Love you!

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