Practicing His Presence

DSC_0213By Judy Villanueva

Psalm 5:3

I say this prayer to you, Yahweh, for at daybreak you listen for my voice;  and at dawn I hold myself in readiness for you.  I watch for you.

“He does not ask much of us, merely a thought of Him from time to time, a little act of adoration, sometimes to ask for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, at other times to thank Him for the graces, past and present…the least little remembrance will always be the most pleasing to Him.  One need not cry out very loudly; He is nearer to us than we think.”  Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

The sound of happy squeals filled the living room on New Year’s morning.  The Rose Parade was on in the background while the foreground enjoyed an eruption of four-year old giggles!  Our grandson stumbled into a game where he would jump behind grandpa on the couch, and eagerly wait for him to lean back!  “Stop, Papi, stop!” he would cry, and Papi would then lean forward so that our little one could squirm free.  It amazed me that each time he got squished was a new moment of fresh joyover and over again!  I quietly marveled at the beauty of presence and the capacity of children to free-fall into the middle of it!

As the year begins, like most of us, I find myself thinking about fresh starts and living more “on purpose”.  Watching my grandson makes me hungry for the freedom to get lost in present moments…to welcome and not hurry them away.  It reminds me of Brother Lawrence’s experiment where he endeavored to practice God’s presence throughout the day.  His goal was to live in expanding awareness of God.

Our lives are lived entering and exiting divine awareness.  We awaken to God one minute and forget Him the next.

Responsibilities and schedules tend to tempt our attention away from God incrementally, until sadly, we can find the day spent without much thought of Him at all.  I wonder if the fullness of life that the Bible speaks of doesn’t have everything to do with

remembering God and allowing His beautiful presence to shower our moments with love and hope and wonder and blessed expectation.

And, I wonder if  our capacity to free-fall into the middle of moments grows as we live with God in expanding awareness, play in His presence… and lose all track of time in the pleasure of His company!

“Father, help me to enter and re-enter awareness of your presence throughout the day.  I am easily derailed by work and worry…good things and careless things.  Thank You that Your attention is constant and real.   Amen.”

What about you?

What would it be like to live a day ready and watching for God?

How do you do at “practicing God’s presence” throughout the day?

Do you experience “fresh joy” and freedom to lose track of time with God?

The practice of returning to awareness of God’s presence is a powerful and life-transforming prayer! Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> DENB-X06Q-5E1K-JTMY 



4 thoughts on “Practicing His Presence

  1. Your message has given me food for thought. I’ve always thought of God, but to be
    honest when I was younger my thoughts of God were not as often as now, and I wondered why? Was it cause I was so busy? preoccupied, or just laziness? Now Gods presence is with me daily, What has changed?
    It is true I’m not as engrossed in stuff, I do have time to think and meditate; but I also think it is because I am at that stage of my life that awareness of the end is nearing, and I
    am getting ready and watching for God……I don’t want to arrive at the
    Pearly Gate, and have God say “who are you”?

    1. Mom, I love your comments on this…and I love that you watch for God. I want to be more like you when I grow up…the way you look at life and circumstances, good or bad, is so life giving. I sure love you!

  2. Judy – Thank you for this beautiful post – a great blessing for all of us in the Lifesprings Women’s Ministries International community!

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