
DSC_1207By Judy Villanueva

Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; In all of your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”

I love it when God says “Yes!” What’s not to love? I understand “yes”. “Yes” feels good! “Yes” feels right! Right? There is something about “You got the job!” “Will you marry me?” “You win!” that affirms that we are loved and that Someone good is watching over our lives. “Yes” is like a spring rain or a summer breeze that wraps around us with happy! It usually makes us smile, relieves our hearts, and makes us want to dance! I love it when God says “Yes!”

I’m guessing you know where this is going? There are other times when it can feel like God isn’t listening or doesn’t care because doors close, we don’t win, and someone else gets the job. We pray for God’s will and offer to submit to a “No.” And, we mean it…sort of…or at least until the answer is actually “No.” Then, it’s easy to get lost. Disappointment is tricky and tends to throw everything up for grabs. Is God in control? Why did this or that happen? Did I hear wrong? What can I now expect going forward?

It is at these times that a window opens, a particular moment when God invites us to trust Him with our whole hearts. It is here and now that faith is exercised. Can we accept the “no,” and will we place our hearts in His care?

Acceptance and trust are things we do on our knees and often, on our faces.

Surrender. Breathing in rug-dust, placing our hearts before the King, we ask for mercy, strength to trust and a sense of His love to hold us and help us go forward. He is here. He is good. He waits at the window to be our spring rain, our summer breeze…our supreme and beautiful happy.

“Lord, how I need you to move in close when a “no” has pushed me over. On my face, I come to You and surrender with my whole heart. Help me today not to lean on what I think I know, but to come to You for comfort and strength to trust. Amen.”

What about you?

Have you experienced a disappointing “No” in life?

Do you need God’s help with acceptance and trust?

What would it be like to trust God with all of your heart?

God is faithful. He loves you and watches over your life. Registered & Protected<br /><br />

3 thoughts on “Windows

  1. Interesting… there is a book out called “the one word that will change your life” … our pastor challenged us all to read it and I did. Very short simple little book. Basically you pray over and choose the one word to represent your year going forward. After reading the book and lots of prayer, I really felt my word was “trust”. I remember hearing it and saying “uh oh, what’s going to happen this year where I really need to lean on that word”. So I love this blog today and the year is starting off having to lean on “lean not on my own understanding” … Trust, trust trust is what things are shaping up to be.
    thanks for this one.

  2. When my prayer has been answered, I truly thank God. When my prayer isn’t answered I ask “why, what’s wrong”, and I want the puzzle of ‘why not’ solved.
    The light went on in my head when you wrote ‘Surrender’. I thought, and prayed
    over this word. Surrender means accept, yield, submit. I searched within myself
    and realized that I thought I had the right to an explanation of why my prayer
    wasn’t answered. Pride.
    Thanks for making me realize there are other windows that open.
    One of those windows that the Good Lord wanted me to use was my brain, and
    to figure a way for a conclusion of my prayer.
    A little word ‘Surrender’, but it made my day……cause I know I found some of
    my answers.

    1. Judy , I cried in a good way through this entire reading . I am at a point in my life where it’s either I choose to trust Jesus or the alternative .. Me.. My understanding etc. I needed this so much today . Thank u for the reminder . Love u

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