
IMG_3474By Judy Villanueva

The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat. “Be careful,” Jesus warned them. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.”

They discussed this with one another and said, “It is because we have no bread.”

Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them: “Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand?  Are your hearts hardened?  Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?  When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?  “Twelve,” they replied.

“And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?”  They answered, “Seven.”

He said to them, “Do you still not understand?” (Mark 14-21)

I can’t count the number of times I’ve read the story of Jesus multiplying the bread and fish. But, today as I read along, this particular exchange between Jesus and the disciples jumped off the page and sat down next to me!  It felt like Jesus had entered the room and and asked ME , “Judy, do you still not understand?”  My breath halted and looking up from the story, I prayerfully asked, “What, Lord?  What do you want me to understand?”  In an instant it became clear what God was saying and specifically, what His question invited me to  receive.  Bread!  Today, as my husband and I pack up our home and prepare for a move — in the midst of all our “good-byes”  — the Word of God reached out and offered me lunch!  

It is far too easy to read the Bible like we read most books, to gather information.  But, this book is not like other books and is designed to speak into our deep places, bring healing to our souls and free us to know the love of God!  When we read the Word we enter a conversation with the Almighty and He wants to give us WAY MORE than information. 

Turning its pages with eyes that want to see and ears open to hear becomes a holy space where we are seen and known, loved and transformed. 

God’s Word wants to be with us!  It has power to correct us, teach us, and help us fall in love with Jesus.  Oh that we would fear “the study of Scriptures as interesting texts instead of hearing them and God’s very words that hold out Christ and draw us to want him.” (Delighting in the Trinity, p.83)

Ok, so back to bread!  I knew what God was addressing in my heart when I read, “Do you still not understand?”  I am like the disciples who had been with Jesus and witnessed His miracles  only to worry the next moment about the next thing!   Packing up and moving is exciting but it is also unsettling…at least to me.  The Lord’s question to me was an exhortation to SEE AND HEAR, and to live my life REMEMBERING His mighty deeds!  It was a call to stop doubting and believe that the same Jesus who provided a picnic lunch for thousands can provide for me, too!  

What happens when we listen as we read the Bible, when we notice what we notice— when we let God’s Word sit next to us for a while? 

We receive that for which we deeply and desperately hunger— a basket full of bread, some fish and Jesus!

“Thank you, Jesus, for being the bread of life that fills me.  Help me to notice your stirrings as I read Scripture and trust that you will provide for each step of my life.  Amen.”

What about you?

Do you listen as you read the Bible?  Do you notice what you notice ?

Do you have eyes but fail to see, ears but fail to hear?

Are you eating the Bread of life?  Filling up on the truth of God’s word?

Stop for while and have some bread with Jesus.


7 thoughts on “Bread

  1. You gave me a bite of this devo as God gave us a short time of reunion and prayer together a few days ago. Your words of truth always encourage me. Thank you for this reminder that God provides. Not just once for the masses but all through out history and all the days of our life as well. One of His names is JEHOVAH-jireh – The Lord will provide! Praying for you in the days ahead as we cling to that promise?
    I Love You!

  2. I saw in your message this sentence…”why are you talking about having no bread”? My talking wasn’t about bread but complaining about not hearing a good sermon because I couldn’t understand the visiting priest from another country. Your message opened my eyes, it is my responsibility to try to see and hear when I can’t hear or understand. How about me trying to solve the problem. All things are positive through God. I don’t need a sermon, I know that God is right there for me right now …all I have to do is be still and know that God is……

  3. I love this! Thank you for reminding us to listen with our heart and not just our mind when we read God’s Word. I pray your move is fruitful.

    “It is far too easy to read the Bible like we read most books, to gather information. But, this book is not like other books and is designed to speak into our deep places, bring healing to our souls and free us to know the love of God! When we read the Word we enter a conversation with the Almighty and He wants to give us WAY MORE than information.

    Turning its pages with eyes that want to see and ears open to hear becomes a holy space where we are seen and known, loved and transformed. “

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