What If And If Only

DSC_1025By Judy Villanueva

Genesis 28:15 “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go…”

Revelation 21:3 “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.”

What if the plane crashes?  What if the cancer comes back?  What if ____?  Fill in the blank.  The what ifs of life are peace stealers, and as you might guess, their author is Fear.  What ifs depreciate faith and direct our focus onto future unrealities. Then, there are the if onlys!  If only I’d been more patient.  If only I’d stayed home.  If only I’d chosen a different path.  Regret is the author of if onlys.  It beats with condemnation and cultivates sorrow.  If onlys are immobilizing, joy-drainers.  They direct our attention to the past, a time that has ended, a place that is frozen and inaccessible.  If you hear yourself saying, “What if” or “If only,” be alerted that you’ve left the present moment, the very place where the peace of God awaits you.

CS Lewis so poignantly writes in his book, The Screwtape Letters, that “the future inflames hope and fear…and is of all things, the least like eternitythe past is frozen and no longer flows.”  But, he goes on to say,  “The present is the point at which time touches eternity.  The present is all lit up with eternal rays.”  What a thought!  The peace of Emmanuel, God with us, touches our lives in this present moment.

He holds the future and can heal the past, but God’s company, His heart, His voice, and His love joins us right this minute and in every present moment!

I wonder what would happen if we went on the offensive with what ifs and if onlys.  Rather than fearing the unknown, what if we trusted that God remains sovereign over all the events that happen in life?  What if we stayed in this moment, welcomed God’s divine company and rested with Him a while?

What if we brought our fears to Jesus, laid them at His feet, and then —- sat down next to Him?!

Instead of living under the weight of regret, suppose we carried ourselves to the cross and looked up.  Rather than taking another beating, what if we made peace with our mistakes and accepted the things we cannot change.  If only we’d help ourselves remember, especially when we are afraid, that God is always brave for us!  He IS who He says He IS, the great I AM, our dearest Friend right here, right now, and always.

“Thank you, Father, that you are my most faithful friend, that you watch over my life with kindness and that you stay with me every minute of every day.  Help me to stay in the present where I find peace in your arms.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you troubled by What ifs and If onlys?

Does fear intrude on your present moments with God?

Does regret drain you of joy?

May the peace of Christ, Emmanuel, spread out around you, with renewed hope and joy in His presence.


6 thoughts on “What If And If Only

  1. Holy smoke this was good. As a chronic “what if” and “if only” guy this one hits me where I live. You have some very profound and helpful things here. I’m a bit overwhelmed by the gravity of your words and need to process this a bit more (and I will!).
    In the mean time – thank you for the time and energy you put into these. Really solid stuff and words to “act” on.

  2. The picture stunning from our Creator! A huge reminder of His awesomeness ?
    Thank you for this reminder not to speculate, regret or doubt and fear. I’m the worst about all of the above. Until I read the Truths in the Word about who God is and that He is Sovereign over ALL things and works ALL things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to HIS purpose (Romans 8:28-30) I was filled with fear. These Truths have given me hope and to trust God and realize that all my doubts and fears are sin. Not trusting in His promises.
    So great to be reminded again and again by your giftedness.
    He is faithful and will lead us through whatever comes? Hallelujah

  3. I typically have a lot to say about your blogs but this left me with a lot to contemplate and soul search. So all I have to say is ‘Thank you, I needed that’.

    I will look at this one over and over and do my best to “Live in His presence at this moment”.

    Thank you sis.


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