God is Light

20161211_173616By Judy Villanueva

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1John 1:5) 

Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day.             (Psalm 139:12)

Bang!  The sound thundered in the night and woke me from a deep sleep.  I could hear snow pelting against the window and thought I’d imagined flashes of light through the curtains.  The wind seemed to hurl itself against the wall as though determined to break into our bedroom.  It was 4:00 am and shaken awake, I was now curious to see what exactly was going on outside, so I got up! My sense of hearing told me a stormy story but I could see nothing in the darkness outside my window.  Absolutely nothing! In a way, this is how parts of life feel right now.  I can’t see what’s in front of me and much as I press my nose against the window of tomorrow and strain to know the “what”, “where”, and “how” of it, it remains hidden.

My choice is to bang around in the dark and try to see what I cannot or trust that God, who is Light, sees everything, everywhere, all the time.

That God is light is a blessed reality!  NOTHING can hide from Him and NO THING is unknown to Him!  We, being human, experience darkness when the sun goes down, when we don’t understand a thing, or when something is hidden from us.  Most of our fears hide in the dark of unknowing.  What frightens you?  What threatens your peace?  AW Tozer once said that “What we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Knowing that God IS light chases our fears into the middle of a blessed Radiance that shatters the darkness!  

Life might sound like a stormy story and we may not be able to see through the night, but we need not fear because even the darkness is not dark to God…it is as bright as day! Rather than trying to see or know what we cannot, we can instead be still and  open our arms to God’s daily light and let each ray shine on our doubts and fears.

On that stormy morning I sat by the glow of a warm fire and watched the sun defeat darkness yet again!  As the sun rose up over the mountain peaks,  it became God’s literal Word of light to me!  Can you hear it?


God is Light.  He can see in the dark!  He knows what’s in front of us and will always be faithful to defeat the darkness and be our daily Light!

“Father, I am deeply comforted that You are light. It quiets my fears and gives me strength in the dark places. Thank you that you keep seeing what’s in front of me. It’s all lit up! Help me to notice your gifts of light today. Amen.”

How about you? 

What frightens you? What threatens your peace?

Have you ever noticed that light brings hope?

How does the sun coming up make you feel? What about candlelight, twinkling stars, or moonlight?

How might knowing that God is light be important in your life?

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7 thoughts on “God is Light

  1. A beautiful view of our Glorious God being the Light of our Life❣️ Oh how I needed this Word with many dark fears hovering over me at this time. To be reminded of His light dispelling all darkness and fear is another perfect timing from our gracious Father through you Judy. Thank you my dear one whom I praise God for. I Love You!

  2. Oh, Judy! It’s a particularly heartbreaking time. Thank you for your words of encouragement that pierced my heart this morning. Bless you, dear one! <3

  3. What frightens me and threatens my peace is the darkness. Your message made me
    realize that it isn’t the darkness, and the storm that was scaring you but what the
    dark was concealing. And my imagination works overtime about what is being
    concealed out there in the dark. I thank God for the sun cause once it comes out,
    and has risen in the sky I see its light …I am at peace cause I can see the sun, and everything else that surrounds me.

  4. What a timely post! We are going on a light drive through Hastings Ranch this evening! I will reflect on this as we go! Thanks, Judy!

  5. Thanks Judy for this timely word that brought me great comfort last week, I just forgot to post a huge thank you, but never to late. Love you so much, Holy Spirit spoke thru you right yo my heart !love you sis

  6. I wrote a long response and when I pushed done it went away so maybe I wasn’t supposed to say the feelings that I had. So I will just say this was beautiful judy and as always, great timing? Love u always and blessings

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