Buttered to the Edges

IMG_1087 (2)By Judy Villanueva

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,  nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season.  And its leaf does not wither;  And in whatever he does, he prospers.         (Psalm 1:1-3)                                                                                                     

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)

The smell of bacon crisping filled the kitchen and snuck up the stairs with enticements to wake up and get moving!  My husband and I were staying at the home of dear friends and had dutifully followed the call of pork to the kitchen. “Pop!” The toast had risen and the buttering began!  That’s when she said it!  “Did you butter to the edges?”  I looked up just in time to catch the nodding smile of my friend’s husband as he slathered butter all the way to the crust!  The idea made sense on so many levels and seemed to sizzle alongside the bacon with a question for me to ponder. “Is my life buttered to the edges?  Is Christ being formed in me all the way through to my crust, saturating every bite with the taste of His buttery goodness?”

The Potter and clay, the Vine and branches, and the tree firmly planted by streams of water tell a story of spiritual growth.  They describe ways of being in life that are soul forming and God-shaping.

Revealed in each metaphor is an invitation to flourish alongside a call to a mind blowing collaboration with the Creator!

Our part involves staying in His hands, abiding in the Vine, and sinking our roots into
the waters of Life.  His part is faithfully molding, filling and nourishing us to our edges.  Far from a magic wand, we work with God in the growth of strong branches and forming of fruit.  But, it is His beautiful heart that cleanses, heals, and imparts the power that transforms us from the inside out.

A seed sprouted that day at the breakfast table, a desire to be buttery!  And, right alongside was an invitation to consider my crustiness.  I sighed as I recognized the dry burnt edges of worry and fear, impatience and pride…unbelief and self-will.

Can I know what God already knows with my arms raised and heart secured by His love?

Do I trust that His invitations are designed to shape my soul as they stir up desires to be more like Him?  In those precarious moments that seem to teeter between pain and promise, I felt the Potter’s hand gently tilt my face toward His and say, “Abide with Me.” Staying in His hands, delighting in His word, paying attention to His voice help me touch His love and cooperate with becoming buttery.

“Thank you, Father, for your love. It’s what drew me to you so many years ago and what keeps drawing me every day since. Teach me how to abide better. Call me into your presence. Make me more like Jesus. Amen.”

What about you?

Is your life buttery to the edges?  Is Christ being formed in you?

Can you name your crusty edges?

Most of us know how to visit God but what is it to abide with Him?

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5 thoughts on “Buttered to the Edges

  1. Such a great picture of the dryness of the edges of my soul and spirit. How often I choose to go my own way and to not “abide” because how could God choose to abide with me in the midst of my own impatience and uncertainty. Thank you for sharing, Judy. Thank you for your Abiding Love, Lord God!

  2. It’s hard for me to focus on your content, because I am so in awe of how beautifully written this is! Still, I love the idea of being buttered to the edges, and knowing there is a great crustiness still in me. How can you get his from a piece of toast? So great! So hopeful! Love it!

  3. What a wonderful, easy-to-grasp metaphor, Judy! I am grateful that as you followed the call of pork to the kitchen that morning, you listened to God as He spoke. Oh, I have some crustiness that needs to go, and I long for more butter. Thank you for giving me a fresh way to think about abiding in God’s love.

  4. Thank you Judy for that amazing writing! It so touched my heart? The photo, truths , my fav scripture Psalm 1 and Tommy Walkers music WOW!!!!!

  5. Your message is right on target, but sometimes we don’t even realize we
    are not buttering to the edge, and therefore don’t know what we are missing.
    I remember when I was little I sometimes wanted to leave before the service was over, and Mom would say “no, we stay until the end”.

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