

By Judy Villanueva 

Mark 9:22-24

“But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”  “If you can’?” said Jesus.  “Everything is possible for him who believes.”  Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” 

“A short-cut!” my husband exclaimed and off he traipsed across the lake-bed.  I was a small distance behind and watched as he blazed a new trail only to end up thigh deep in mud!  Oof!  He was thoroughly stuck and had to lay down flat in order to work his legs free and maneuver his way back to solid ground.  I guess that’s a good picture of my life as it relates to “believing”.  I want to believe and do…until I don’t…and then, I’m just stuck in the mud of unbelief, uncertain where to turn or how to get back on feet of faith. My challenge of belief is not whether God CAN do anything, but rather, lies in the muddy mire of WILL He do what I ask?

The “can” and the “will” of it are two separate matters, I suppose, but when I’m on my knees pleading for pity — I want both!  The CAN of God inspires me to ask with great expectation for anything and everything on my heart but it is the WILL of God that governs His CAN and demands that I exercise faith.

Do I trust His yes or no?  Will I tolerate “what happens next” when it isn’t what I’ve prayed for?

“If you can?” are the words that seem to jump out at me today with care and confrontation.  They seems to look me in the eyes with love and ask if I do, in fact, know with Whom I am speaking when I pray.

When I want what I want, are my prayers lifted to the God who not only CAN but always DOES in perfect harmony with His wise and good purposes?  In the midst of my pain or impatience, can I remember that the One to Whom I pray CAN ONLY be true and faithful?  What then shall I believe?

That I’ll always understand the answers God gives or that He WILL forever ACT with perfection and love…beyond my understanding? 

Jesus words, “If I can?” invite me to stop and look at Him today, to sit at His side and let His voice overshadow my doubts.  When He is next to me and at the heart of all my prayers, I can feel my feet of faith grow wings and my unbelief set free from the mud to watch God do the impossible!

“Jesus, in Your presence I find rest for my soul and faith to believe that everything is possible.  Draw me close to Your heart where I am reminded with Whom I am speaking and given courage to believe that You CAN and WILL be faithful always.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you mindful when you pray that you are speaking with the God of the universe?  It helps!

What fuels your believing?  Feelings or faith?

What are you believing God for today?

God cannot but WILL and ACT in accord with His perfect knowledge and faithful heart.  You can trust Him and believe that beyond what you can see. Registered & Protected


2 thoughts on “Believing

  1. I like that comment…’I want to believe until I don’t’. I guess I am not alone.
    As a child it was feelings that fueled my faith in God, but as I got older, and was
    taught about God through the teachings of the Bible, stories about the saints and
    miracles, and especially how our Lord gave His life so that I could have life forever
    That is how my faith was fueled.

    I’m believing today that our God took care of a young man named Steven who was told he only had 3 months to live. I prayed to God to cure him and grant him life…that is what I expected, but God Almighty answered in another way. Steven was granted 3 years, and in that time he experienced more love, more support from his wife, family, friends, and a 3 year old niece, named Charlotte who loved her uncle, and was able to make him smile.
    I was praying for him to be cured and have life, and my prayers were answered in a way I didn’t expect. Steven will see the face of God, and live…….

  2. Thanks, Judy. I love that part that says, “Will I tolerate what happens next when it isn’t what I prayed for?” That’s a great question. And even more, will I embrace it? Really good stuff. Thank you for sharing your insights!

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