
DSC_0275By Judy Villanueva

Psalm 77: 11-15

I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord;  
I will remember your wonders of old.  I will meditate on all your work, 
and muse on your mighty deeds.  Your way,  O God,  is holy.  What god is so great as our God?

You are the God who works wonders;  
you have displayed your might among the peoples.  With your strong arm you redeemed your people, 
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

I walked in silence along a trail scattered with the colors of Fall.  With each gust of wind, yellow, orange and red little masterpieces floated to the ground reminding me of the season that was ending and the one soon to come.  I stooped to pick up a firey maple leaf  and marveled at its perfection. Its simple beauty seemed to offer me a sweet consolation, a blessing that touched my anxious heart.  In that moment, I wasn’t altogether sure what had stolen my peace but suspected it had to do with looking ahead and troubling over a season yet unborn.  Each step seemed to invite me to either look at God and remember His goodness, or look ahead at unrealities that promised to steal any hope for peace.

Fear likes to disrupt my life and is merciless in tangling up my thoughts with “what ifs”.  Before I know it, I can find myself fretting over this or that,  derailed from life and work in the here and now.

Over years of contending with fear, I have found that there is power in recollecting God’s faithfulness…of remembering His wonders of old!

So, rather than peering forward, I am learning to glance over my shoulder at where I’ve been, what I’ve been through and all the ways God has provided for me along the way.  I am taking more time to meditate (or, muse on) His faithful deeds.  It is a fierce offensive  against fear that emboldens faith and becomes a mighty prayer!

One of my dear friends loves to collect autumn leaves for her Thanksgiving table.  I enjoy being with her on her gathering excursions because of the wonder with which each leaf is scrutinized and celebrated!

Recollecting God’s love and provision in our lives is a way of “collecting again” His goodness and setting it out to look at and celebrate.

It reveals a perfection of care that only a good, wise, and kind God could accomplish.  Remembering His provision in the past helps us to feel secured by his grasp of us in the present…and trust His faithful hold of our tomorrows.

“Father God , thank You that looking back  reveals your love at work in ways that I could not know or suspect.   You faithfully work all things together for good. Your deeds are mighty and all Your ways, wonderful!  Fill me with faith for today and help me to trust in Your good plans for tomorrow.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you troubled or lacking peace?

Do you need to “collect again” God’s goodness from the past?

Take a moment and then another, to remember His mighty deeds and wonders of old.  Allow His daily graces to bless you.  Leaves count:)

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One thought on “Recollecting

  1. Love this repost and may you and DANNY feel Gods mighty arms surrounding you and your family during these days. May you in your grief be able to celebrate a life well lived. We share your grief. Love you

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