Loving Matters

photo-13By Judy Villanueva

1 John 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

I tiptoed into my children’s rooms, one at a time and kissed them goodnight.  With mixed feelings I stared at their beautiful sleeping faces, so sweet and peaceful.  All I could think of was how impatient I’d been that day when all three needed me at once, and how much I longed for quiet during the afternoon play hours.  Ugh!  Guilt.  How would these children survive me, such an imperfect mom?  I remember sitting with my dad one day, confessing my short-comings as a mom and asking for his wisdom.  His input was unexpected but so  life giving.  He said, “Just love them!  You’ll make lots of mistakes in parenting.  It’s impossible to get it perfect, but you can love them…and that makes all the difference.  Loving matters.

The truth of these words has stayed with me over the years and guided me faithfully through many situations where I have felt inadequate.  Entering the prayer room,  counseling office, or even having breakfast with a friend,  I always wish I had more to offer in the way of wisdom and healing “know how”.  Do you ever feel that way?  Listening to stories feels very sacred and as tears flow and heartaches are shared my first reaction is always to want to bring immediate relief.  If I could, I would waive the wand to relieve suffering, but since I cannot I follow compassion to the cross and look up for help!

There in its shadow,  I hear God speak a familiar refrain. “Just love them.  I Am doing what you cannot but you can love…and loving matters!”

Let us love one another!  It will surely cost us our comfort and may be inconvenient.  Most of the time, it won’t feel like enough and every time our hearts will ache to do more, but loving matters and is  the closest some people ever get to the heart of God.  When we join another in their suffering, when we share a burden and offer love, we give and are given a priceless gift.

Loving, even when done imperfectly, touches pain with our presence and ushers people into the arms of God.

“Thank you, God, for your love. How I need You and depend on Your presence to love well.  Give me courage to bear burdens and share suffering.  Fill me with Your love, fresh and mighty for each new day.  Amen.”

What about you?

Do you ever feel inadequate when face to face with another’s deep need?

Do you also need courage to bear burdens and share suffering?

Would you rather fix something or love someone?

Have you felt the power of love carry you into the arms of God?

“Let us love one another…for Love is from God!”

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6 thoughts on “Loving Matters

  1. This message made me go back in time, a time that I’ve never forgotten, a time that
    still makes me cringe cause I felt I fail as a mother. My daughter was going through a
    rough time, and asked for my advice. I didn’t know how to respond so I changed the subject by asking her a dumb question about a soap opera. Thank God she had the love and courage to confront me, and I responded by telling her the truth. She had taken
    me out of my comfort zone, and I felt inadequate in my answer, so I changed the
    subject. She understood, and I apologized. I thank God that we have more than one chance to be a loving parent, and that He made love tough enough to be stretched, and not shatter.

  2. In our relatively short time of God bringing us together, you have brought much joy and love into my life! Your words of wisdom are treasured and I look so forward to each pouring out from your heart, soul and mind. I Love You!

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