Taking Up the Cross

aspen cross2By Judy Villanueva

Luke 9:23

Then he said to them all, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Kneeling together, our three little ones sound asleep upstairs, we prayed for more of God.  “Do whatever you must, Father, to make Yourself Lord of our lives.”  I remember a hush coming over the room and looking at my husband with a sense of foreboding at what trial this prayer might usher into our young lives.  What had he just prayed?  What would it cost, and did I really want more of God at any price?

Following Jesus.  It sounds so adventurous, so noble, and good!  As Christians that’s what we are on the planet to do, right?  To learn how to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Jesus.  Weeell yes,  this is the goal and certainly it was the inspiration behind the prayer I said “Amen” to that day.  But, let’s face it, Jesus leads His followers to mountain tops that, while glorious in their view and magnificent in the beauty they etch in the soul, require traversing some pretty rugged terrain.  To coin a phrase, soul-shaping isn’t for cowards!

God’s refining fire burns as it purifies and presses as it     fashions His likeness in us.

The next several years brought extraordinary challenges.  They were years of holding on by our fingernails and trusting God in the dark.   Strangely,  on one of the harder mornings,  I remember waking up aware that the birds were singing!  It seemed an odd thing to notice at such a time, and yet, opening my eyes to the reality of great disappointment, I was also aware that our little ones were safely tucked up in their beds, that love had not left our home, and that somehow,

God was still faithful…regardless of whether or not I understood what He was up to!

He never gave us a blueprint or explained His methods, but God answered the prayer we prayed that day so long ago.  Somehow during the trials, He had become Lord of our lives more fully!  He had stretched out our capacity to take in more of Him and had helped us to want Him more than our comforts!  Suffering loss was oddly freeing and helped us to understand, a little better, that what we need most in this life is Jesus!

“Thank you Jesus, that You hear our prayers and are faithful.  Even when we do not fully understand where our prayers may lead us, You do.  Teach us to follow wherever You lead.  Give us strength and help us to trust You every step of  the way.  Amen.”

What about You? 

What does it mean to follow Jesus?  What does that look like on any given day?

How is self denial and cross bearing part of your life in Christ?

Is there a connection between prayers you’ve prayed and what has happened next?

Do you know that you can trust the God who hears your prayers?  Do you believe in His good heart and wise ways?

God is faithful always.


“Find Me Faithful”  by Tommy Walker

“Follow Jesus” by Selah and Nicole C. Mullen

One thought on “Taking Up the Cross

  1. As a young girl, I would read stories about men and woman who would go through
    torture, and death rather than deny God, and I wondered ‘could I do it, or would I
    fail?’ Again, I see people going through the tortures of life, having to leave
    their homes, ending up in a mountain without food or water, and all because they
    would not give up their God, their Christianity for another religion”.
    And I wish, now that I am near 80 years that I could say definitely, without question
    “Absolutely YES”. You are right, Judy, ‘soul shaping isn’t for cowards’.

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