
DSC00770By Judy Villanueva

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 1:11)

Looking up I could see them peeking over the edge of the cliff  to the cool waters below.  Quickly, they would move back and “shake it off,” trying to muster the courage to jump!  It was a long way down and it would be a breathless free fall!  They knew it was deep enough, but could they step off the surety of the ground beneath their feet?  Back and forth they’d go, telling themselves they could do it. Just do it!   Jump!  Whenever we go to the lake we stop at a particular cove surrounded by the most irresistible cliffs, and every time, a handful of our nieces and nephews, kids and friends hop out of the boat and climb to the top!  I watch their struggle from below and, if I am honest, bribe them to come down with cookies!  But once they’ve gotten to the top and look over, the promise of flight seems to capture their imaginations, and soon, the struggle at the top evaporates into an exhilarating, tummy-turning leap of faith!

Jump!  Whether it’s out of an airplane, off a cliff or into a decision, it seems to go hand in hand with faith that acts with resolve to trust God.  It may involve relocating or staying put, proposing or breaking up, taking this job or that one, saying yes or saying no.

To be sure, it always includes a moment of truth where we choose to go forward into places unknown, believing that God isn’t just with us, but also remains sovereign over every inch of our lives!

In other words, faith is the assurance that God is always perfectly good, perfectly wise, and perfectly able to cover, use, and work through our imperfect decisions.  Faith in God is the sturdiest launch pad for jumping!

Are you peeking over a precipice and considering a leap of faith?  Walking to the edge and looking over is a really good idea as it gives us good information about heights and depths.  It also stirs hope and shapes vision for the jump!  Isn’t it good to know that we are allowed to use our heads as we prepare for leaps of faith?  And then — it’s all about trusting that God jumps with us!  His faithfulness is the water that surrounds us as we pierce the surface and are swallowed up in its depths.  If we’ll relax, the water will lift us up and into new breaths of life!   Peek over the edges with God and measure your heartbeat!  If God says jump, then, with all the courage you can muster, run for the edge and fly!

“Father, running off of steep cliffs and into murky waters is not my strong suit.  But, one thing I know from observing one flight to the water after another is that a leap with You is the ride of a lifetime!  Help me to trust that You jump with me wherever you call me to jump!  Thank You that You are, always and forever, faithful!  Amen.”

What about you?

Is God calling you to jump?  Is there a decision pending that requires a “free-fall” and faith in God to be there for you?

Have you looked over the edge and evaluated, with God and others, the depths and heights involved?

Is God your place of rest and assurance?  Is He your steady ground and sturdy launch pad?

Our decisions don’t have to be perfect,  just submitted and surrendered.  God is faithful.


“Find Me Faithful”  by Tommy Walker

“Faithful”  by Chris Tomlin

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2 thoughts on “Jump!

  1. Your reflection resonates with me because it seems that the longer I walk with God the more and more He asks me to walk not by sight but by blind faith. I was just thinking about how much I dislike not seeing ahead, not certain “how” I am going to do the simplest things . I have learned over and over again that my plans are not always His plans and His ways are often inscrutable. He is calling me to new levels of childlike trust and it is stretching me, requiring that I let go and rest in my decision to trust in Him as I free fall. He likes this attitude in me and wants to foster it by continually placing me in situations that are way beyond my comfort zone. I am encouraged to read that God is teaching you the very same thing! It is a great confirmation. Thanks!

  2. I found your message inspiring, and thus was able to see things differently. I have always been a positive person, and getting older hasn’t changed that But as I get on in age I hear quite a bit of negativity about this stage of life from friends, and I find it hard not to agree with the sentiments cause getting older has challenges we never expected, and can be quite difficult…..so it’s a little hard to be positive.

    Instead of being negative and pessimistic about aging I am going to concentrate
    on the positive, and take a leap of faith, and with that faith jump into the kind of life my God wants for me. God has blessed me with a brain that looks for answers, and
    that is what is asked of me now….look for the answers. I will continue this path of looking because It has worked for me all all my life…..why wouldn’t it work for me now?
    I do believe God will strengthen me, I do believe He will help me!

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