
DSC_1435By Judy Villanueva

Mark 2:2-5

 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.  When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

“I’m hungry!” we complained. “I see”, said my mother with a knowing smile. “Well, feel free to grab an apple!” Not surprising, we were not hungry for an apple and had set our sights on the cookie jar.  In truth, we were not hungry at all,  just bored and in search of a quick fix…something to satisfy something inside us that we could not quite name.  How easily we learn the signals our bodies give that alert us of our need for food, drink, or sleep.  A growling tummy, a dry mouth or heavy eyelids are discernable clues!  But, what about the yearning of our souls…that “something” inside us that needs God and hungers to be filled up with Him?

Can you feel it when your soul hungers for God?

I’ve read this passage many times, but today what lifts up off the pages is the hunger that filled the air in Capernaum! Notice the crowd who came hungry to hear Jesus preach the word, the four men who arrived hungry for a healing, and the paralyzed man who ached for legs that could walk.  Our hungers are designed to lead us to places that will fill and satisfy  us, body and soul.   The problem isn’t usually that we won’t follow our hungers to nourishment but rather, that we are woefully inclined to plug-up our hungers with temporal things.  We set our sights on the cookie jar when what we really need is Jesus!

It is a challenge to recognize our hunger for God amidst the noise and distractions of modern life. To do so, we must pay attention and tolerate the discomfort of hunger pains long enough to understand them. Then we must let our hunger for God move and motivate us to get to Jesus!

And, if there is no room even outside the door, then we must follow our hunger to the roof and start digging!

We may need to turn off the television, put away our cellphones and patiently learn how to enter His presence. Ten minutes on our knees, an unhurried reading of Scripture, time spent in silence or praying with a friend place us on the mat before Jesus.

It is where our deepest longings are satisfied and where that something within us gets loved by Someone named Jesus.

“Jesus, help me to recognize my soul’s hunger for you and guide me into your presence. I thank you that you wait for me to notice you and are eager and generous to love me. Amen.”

What about you?

Can you feel it when your soul is hungry for God?

What are the obstacles that get in your way…of getting to Jesus?

What helps you enter His presence?

I pray you will follow your hunger pains to Jesus.  He longs to fill our souls with love.

“In His presence is fullness of joy.” (Psalm 16:11)

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Amazing Grace…


By Judy Villanueva

“Do you love Me?”  (John 21:15)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Stuck in the bathroom, I attempted to muster the courage to go back out into the party. It was a gathering of people with whom I felt out of place and misunderstood. Granted, they were just feelings and likely not even true, but it is how I felt. Overwhelmed, I slipped into this awkward space to pray. “Lord, I thought I would do better today! I prepared beforehand. I prayed, read the Word, determined to love well, and yet, here I am, stuck in the bathroom feeling so defeated. Help me to be strong!” What I heard in reply surprised me. “I am here. It’s ok. Return to love in weakness. I am with you.” This felt strangely freeing, mostly because the only place I could love from, at that moment, was from weakness. So, I returned to the party and loved…weak and a bit scrambled up inside, but freed to love!

The only thing that keeps me from loving on any given day is me.

For sure, many things threaten to box me in and block God’s flow of love. I might be tired, irritable, or anxious. I might be constrained by the pressure of feeling insecure, less than, or judged. It might even be that the person in front of me is just plain unloving! Each and every time, I have a decision to make to either step back from loving or, to pause and ask for God’s help to move forward. When I am in these situations, my first taste of freedom often comes from simply deciding to love, and the next ones from giving myself fully to this decision. In other words, as I act on believing that God is able to empower me to love beyond my fatigue, insecurity or dread, grace begins to flow!

Here is the incredible thing about any decision to love. When we love, we bless and honor Jesus! We answer His question, “Do you love Me?” with a resounding “Yes! I love You, Jesus!” whenever we avail ourselves to be filled and poured out for another.

Can you imagine that it is possible to bless the heart of God when and as we love?

That is quite a notion!  And, thankfully, it counts even when we love imperfectly and in weakness. We must never forget what it means that the Spirit of God lives within us.  We walk around with access to an inexhaustible spring of deep and bountiful love! We may feel boxed in and scrambled up, but when we find our way out of our awkward spaces and cry out for help, we discover that wide and rich waters of love await us.  Come, drink and love Jesus!

“Lord, I bump into mini-crossroads every day where I am aware of my love-limitations. I am selfish and in need of Your well that is inexhaustible! I want You to hear my “Yes, I love you!” as I love others. I want to bless You! Fill me and free me to love. Amen.”

What about you?

Do you feel free to love others? Are you aware of what closes off your heart?

Have you considered that in loving others, you bless the heart of God?

What do you think Jesus meant by asking “Do you love Me?” How would you respond?

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Burning Bushes

DSC_0261By Judy Villanueva

Exodus 3:3-8

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”

When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”

Moses was working. He was about the business of a normal day when he encountered God. I doubt he was expecting to meet an angel on route to the west side of the wilderness, let alone in the middle of a blazing fire! One thing is certain, Moses was available to notice an extraordinary phenomena and curious to move in for a closer look! “I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.” How often am I too busy to notice an invitation from God to come close and be curious?

God is always speaking from the middle of our lives with invitations to be with Him and learn from Him. Our part is to stay available and curious…ready to move in for a closer look!

God saw that Moses had turned aside to look and called to him. Does God watch and wait for us to turn aside and look for him so that He can talk with us? Does He know when we are available to hear Him call our name? You may think that burning bushes are not a common phenomena in our day, but think about it. If burning bushes are things in life meant to draw our attention to God then, very likely they await our notice every day. What kinds of things in your day are quietly unique, unexpected and “shining” in their ordinary-ness? Likewise, where is your place of angst, the thing that burns whenever you think of it? Admittedly, we are more drawn to move toward a pleasant thing, but…

If God is able to speak from the center of “whatever thing,” then noticing and turning toward His voice becomes holy ground embedded in ordinary days!

My burning bushes this week included catching sight of the full moon sitting atop a craggy ridge, soaking up the joy of a 6 month old and kneeling in prayer next to the “bushes” over which I feel angst. These may seem too trivial to “count,” but counting the life that is ours…the life around us…is what we have, and it matters.  Not only that, but  moving toward burning bushes helps us hear what God is saying to us from the middle of our lives…about hope and life and promised lands.

“Father, I thank you that You see me and call to me from the middle of my life. Help me to notice the burning bushes that you’ve set along my path and make me curious enough to move in for a closer look. Help me to join You on holy ground and be available to hear whatever you want to say to me about my life. Amen.”

What about you?

Are you aware of a burning bush in your life at this time? Do you think God might be calling to you from the middle of it?

Are you curious and available for a closer look?

Are you open to hear God what God will say next?

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IMG_0109By Judy Villanueva

Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8)

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

Winston, aka: Phatboy, was our warm and loveable English lab for over 14 years. True to the Labrador breed, he loved people, chasing balls and eating — although I’m not sure inhaling dog chow qualifies as eating!   Rain or shine, when the clock struck 4:00 he’d begin to panic and twirl around in circles to remind us that it was mealtime.  In his frenzy for food, he refused to chew anything!  Even when my husband tossed him a chunk of meat off the grill he would simply open wide and swallow!  He couldn’t possibly have tasted a bit of it but, I suppose being a dog, he was unable to appreciate that chewing has a purpose.  It breaks down food, draws out flavor and helps nutrients absorb more efficiently.

How do we taste and see that the Lord is good and how do we live on every word that comes from the mouth of God?  The other day my husband and I were reading Psalm 37 and when we happened upon the words, “Trust in the Lord and do good…” (vs.3)  I felt drawn.  I noticed these seven words above all the rest.  They seemed to “shine” and I knew exactly what I would be chewing on that day.  I felt curious about what God wanted to say to me about these words and what they might mean for my life.  I like to take scripture with me after a morning reading and chew on it throughout the day.

I have found that while reading the Word speaks to my head, chewing on it throughout the day nourishes my soul!  It is how informational reading becomes transformational.

Chewing involves returning to Word and ruminating on it. It becomes a quiet conversation where we ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand why we’ve been drawn and then, listen as He speaks to us about our lives. In the process we may receive correction, inspiration, or strength.  For example, as I chewed on the morning reading I felt God both correct and encourage me.  I’ve been preoccupied with worry lately and His Word to trust and do good pulled me out of a self absorbed place and set my eyes back on Him.  Thinking about the Word with God is how we draw out its flavors and absorb its nutrients. If we desire to be transformed we must digest the spiritual food of the morning…and prayerfully, become what we eat!

“Thank you, Lord, that you help us to hear Your voice as we read and chew on the Word. It brings us life! Teach us to notice where you are drawing our attention and encourage us to slow down enough in our day to chew, taste and learn from you. Amen.”

What about you?

Have you experienced being drawn to a particular word or phrase in Scripture?  What do you usually do next?

Beyond your normal study of Scripture, think about setting aside time to read for transformation.  Slow down and notice what you notice. Then,  become curious and ask God what He wants to say to you.  God bless you as you read, chew and listen.






By Judy Villanueva 

Mark 9:22-24

“But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”  “If you can’?” said Jesus.  “Everything is possible for him who believes.”  Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” 

“A short-cut!” my husband exclaimed and off he traipsed across the lake-bed.  I was a small distance behind and watched as he blazed a new trail only to end up thigh deep in mud!  Oof!  He was thoroughly stuck and had to lay down flat in order to work his legs free and maneuver his way back to solid ground.  I guess that’s a good picture of my life as it relates to “believing”.  I want to believe and do…until I don’t…and then, I’m just stuck in the mud of unbelief, uncertain where to turn or how to get back on feet of faith. My challenge of belief is not whether God CAN do anything, but rather, lies in the muddy mire of WILL He do what I ask?

The “can” and the “will” of it are two separate matters, I suppose, but when I’m on my knees pleading for pity — I want both!  The CAN of God inspires me to ask with great expectation for anything and everything on my heart but it is the WILL of God that governs His CAN and demands that I exercise faith.

Do I trust His yes or no?  Will I tolerate “what happens next” when it isn’t what I’ve prayed for?

“If you can?” are the words that seem to jump out at me today with care and confrontation.  They seems to look me in the eyes with love and ask if I do, in fact, know with Whom I am speaking when I pray.

When I want what I want, are my prayers lifted to the God who not only CAN but always DOES in perfect harmony with His wise and good purposes?  In the midst of my pain or impatience, can I remember that the One to Whom I pray CAN ONLY be true and faithful?  What then shall I believe?

That I’ll always understand the answers God gives or that He WILL forever ACT with perfection and love…beyond my understanding? 

Jesus words, “If I can?” invite me to stop and look at Him today, to sit at His side and let His voice overshadow my doubts.  When He is next to me and at the heart of all my prayers, I can feel my feet of faith grow wings and my unbelief set free from the mud to watch God do the impossible!

“Jesus, in Your presence I find rest for my soul and faith to believe that everything is possible.  Draw me close to Your heart where I am reminded with Whom I am speaking and given courage to believe that You CAN and WILL be faithful always.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you mindful when you pray that you are speaking with the God of the universe?  It helps!

What fuels your believing?  Feelings or faith?

What are you believing God for today?

God cannot but WILL and ACT in accord with His perfect knowledge and faithful heart.  You can trust Him and believe that beyond what you can see. Registered & Protected


I See You


By Judy Villanueva

Luke 7:11-15

Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”

Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.

Huddled close together we prayed.  A stranger to me, she came forward after Sunday service and shared her story of buried hopes and disappointed dreams.  She recounted one loss after another and described a sadness that broke my heart.  Hopelessness seemed to surround us and I could feel its crushing weight.  “No! No! No!” were the words I quietly prayed  in response and “Jesus, come save us.”  Sometimes life deals us blows that knock the wind right out of us and leave us vulnerable and tired.  Sometimes all we can do is trust that God sees us, that He cares deeply and that His voice can call us back to life!

The widow had already lost her husband and now her only son has died.  I imagine that hope and joy lie next to him lifeless, as well.  I wonder if she knew Who it was that noticed her that day—Whose heart went out to her and said, “Don’t cry.”  Do you ever feel that your life is happening way down here on earth…out of view?  Every time I read that Jesus sees one of His beloved, I am relieved, reassured, and so, so glad!  That He feels for the widow confronts my wounded notion that Jesus, being God, knows everything and has no reason to feel for us. On the contrary!

“God with us” means that He travels through our moments in “real time” and feels our life with us!

The widow watches Jesus touch her son’s coffin, “Young man, I say to you, get up!”  I’m guessing that before she can even make sense of what she has just heard, she sees her son sit up and feels him placed back in her arms!   Can you imagine?   Instead of her worst nightmare, an unbelievable joy sweeps her up and twirls her around!  He’s alive!  Her son lives!  Have you ever felt helplessly at the mercy of your circumstances?  Has disappointment ever stolen your hope?

This story reminds me of a kind God who sees me in the middle of my life and cares.

It helps me to remember His compassionate heart that says, “Don’t cry” when I am utterly devastated…and strengthens me to witness His power over death!  Watching Jesus give back this son to his mother places hope back in my arms and fills my heart with joy!

“Thank you, Jesus, that you notice my coming and going, my joys and sorrows…and feel my life with me!  Help me in my helplessness and please tell my lifeless hopes to “Get up!”  I pray for anyone reading this who may feel weary and hopeless…that they would feel Your love today and Your touch on their life.  Amen.”

What about you?

Have you ever felt helplessly at the mercy of your circumstances?

Has disappointment ever stolen your hope?

Do you have friends who will be with you in your sorrows?  Is there a prayer team waiting for you to come forward?

God sees your life and cares!  His heart goes out to you today!

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DSC_0514By Judy Villanueva

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
where morning dawns,  where evening fades, 
you call forth songs of joy. (Psalm 65:8)

Covered in blankets with our faces pointed toward the sky, we watched for magic!  “Glory!” our friend’s little daughter cried out, “I saw one!”  Under a canopy of stars we laid out on the deck, shivering in the cool night air determined to witness wonder!  “Glory!” another shouted, “Glory!  Glory!  Glory!”  Shooting stars showered us with delight and time seemed to stop as we watched wide-eyed and awed by each brilliant starburst!  It was the peak of the Perseid Meteor shower and there, gathered with family and dear friends, wonder gave way to worship and before we knew it, we were singing songs of joy in the middle of the mountains!

I am so grateful for wonder.  It is different than knowing or understanding a thing….there is something about wonder that points us beyond the comprehensible to unique and magnificent possibilities!

Wonder confronts our finite natures and asks us to reach beyond our grasp and dare to imagine beauty beyond our disappointments.  It signals us to hope!

It opens up soul-space and encourages us to watch for life.  Wonder reminds us that there is a God…a good and wonderful God.

“Wonder-ing” becomes more natural as we practice noticing and tuning into its invitations to stand still and behold.  Beholding helps us to see, feel and hear God in the midst of shooting stars, rainbows, and shimmering aspen trees…to name a few favorite wonders!  To behold is to stop, move toward and then look closely with all of oneself.   It is to allow wonder to speak and teach of God’s glory…glory found all around us, every sunrises and sunsets,  in wildflowers and waterfalls and, in sitting amongst friends with faces pointed upwards,  singing songs of joy for each moment spent together watching for glory!

“Heavenly Father, help me to notice your invitations to be drawn into wonder.  Life can be hard sometimes.  Help me to trust You and stay open to whatever You will next for me.  Thank you for lights in the sky, for dear friends, precious children, for beauty, wind and wonders too many to count that help me reach beyond disappointment and fear,  to hope.  Thank you for daily reminders that You are…and are good.  Amen.”

What about you?

What fills you with wonder?

Are you aware of how beholding wonder moves your heart?

How are your hopes?

Do you need a reminder that there is a God…and that He is good?

Lay down, look up and watch for His wonders.

(Thank you, Tommy Walker, for leading worship that night and helping us lift up beautiful songs of joy!)

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Death and Daisies

DSC_0468By Judy Villanueva

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Our family recently suffered the loss of a beloved member.  It hardly seemed real and doesn’t feel real even now.  Whether anticipated or unexpected, death seems to throw us into an unwelcomed and unimaginable state of disbelief.  While a shared destiny, its arrival ushers in an incomprehensible moment, a soul-wrenching anguish.  It is with great reluctance and tears that we let go and eventually accept the realities of life without our dad, mom, spouse or friend.  We are born into a world that brims with life, and knowing that one day hearts stop beating and next breaths simply aren’t inhaled doesn’t make death any easier to tolerate when it takes away our loved one.

And, then there are daisies.

Have you ever noticed that life is always piled up on top of life?  In other words, we are seldom purely happy or sad and most often experience a mix of emotions that live together all at once.  Grief sits in the middle of the arms that hold us and sadness amidst the good that surrounds us as the sun comes up and we awaken to God’s fresh mercies.  Life continues to pour out love and beauty right alongside great loss and, incongruous as it may feel, our hearts are designed to take in and hold both the joy and the sorrow.

Hellos and goodbyes stand side-by-side inviting us to let go of what has ended and reach out for God and the life He offers beyond the pain of loss.

Each June the fields around our house are visited by hundreds and hundreds of daisies!  At first, only a couple of bright yellow faces peek out from amidst the grass but before long the whole landscape is blanketed in what looks like happiness!  Their time with us is a gift every year and their presence, a reminder that God is good and beautiful.   As I soak up the blessing of “daisy-joy” I can feel the love of God wrap around my heart with healing grace…and I am helped to allow for laughter amidst the tears, joy alongside my sorrow and gratitude to rise up from the middle of my grief.

“Father, how we need You to hold us in times of loss and pain.  We cannot have been made for death as it seems so very incomprehensible.  Help us to lean against your faithful heart and trust You now and always.  Help us to receive the comfort that we find inside Your arms of love.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you in a time of great loss?

Have you experienced the comfort of God’s presence?

Do you know the peace that surpasses all comprehension…found in the arms of God?

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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DSC_0275By Judy Villanueva

Psalm 77: 11-15

I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord;  
I will remember your wonders of old.  I will meditate on all your work, 
and muse on your mighty deeds.  Your way,  O God,  is holy.  What god is so great as our God?

You are the God who works wonders;  
you have displayed your might among the peoples.  With your strong arm you redeemed your people, 
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

I walked in silence along a trail scattered with the colors of Fall.  With each gust of wind, yellow, orange and red little masterpieces floated to the ground reminding me of the season that was ending and the one soon to come.  I stooped to pick up a firey maple leaf  and marveled at its perfection. Its simple beauty seemed to offer me a sweet consolation, a blessing that touched my anxious heart.  In that moment, I wasn’t altogether sure what had stolen my peace but suspected it had to do with looking ahead and troubling over a season yet unborn.  Each step seemed to invite me to either look at God and remember His goodness, or look ahead at unrealities that promised to steal any hope for peace.

Fear likes to disrupt my life and is merciless in tangling up my thoughts with “what ifs”.  Before I know it, I can find myself fretting over this or that,  derailed from life and work in the here and now.

Over years of contending with fear, I have found that there is power in recollecting God’s faithfulness…of remembering His wonders of old!

So, rather than peering forward, I am learning to glance over my shoulder at where I’ve been, what I’ve been through and all the ways God has provided for me along the way.  I am taking more time to meditate (or, muse on) His faithful deeds.  It is a fierce offensive  against fear that emboldens faith and becomes a mighty prayer!

One of my dear friends loves to collect autumn leaves for her Thanksgiving table.  I enjoy being with her on her gathering excursions because of the wonder with which each leaf is scrutinized and celebrated!

Recollecting God’s love and provision in our lives is a way of “collecting again” His goodness and setting it out to look at and celebrate.

It reveals a perfection of care that only a good, wise, and kind God could accomplish.  Remembering His provision in the past helps us to feel secured by his grasp of us in the present…and trust His faithful hold of our tomorrows.

“Father God , thank You that looking back  reveals your love at work in ways that I could not know or suspect.   You faithfully work all things together for good. Your deeds are mighty and all Your ways, wonderful!  Fill me with faith for today and help me to trust in Your good plans for tomorrow.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you troubled or lacking peace?

Do you need to “collect again” God’s goodness from the past?

Take a moment and then another, to remember His mighty deeds and wonders of old.  Allow His daily graces to bless you.  Leaves count:)

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DSC_1223By Judy Villanueva

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Praise Him all people here below.  Praise Him above ye heavenly host.  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. (Doxology)

Frustrated and anxious, I decided to slow down from my errands and take my pulse.  “What’s up?  Why so fitful, O my soul?”  I connected immediately to the source of my unrest and sighed.  The beauty of today was that there was no agenda and, the angst that nipped at my heels today was that…there was no agenda.  Nothing to accomplish that might give me a sense that my life has purpose.  In other words, the gift of a day off, free to play or rest or dig a hole or sleep!  Instead of soaking it up I found myself restless and longing for something to fill that place within me…you know the place, the one that is God-shaped and only quieted by His presence.

My soul knew its longing would not be filled by worthy deeds but rather, by drawing near to God and finding my “Amen” …the one that was waiting to be sung to Him!

We say “Amen” at the end of prayers as a way of affirming whatever has been prayed.  It means “ Yes! So be it.  It is true.”  We do the same thing with our lives and daily live in affirmation of that which we believe and value most.  We spend our time, energy and money according to the treasures of our hearts and over a lifetime, we declare a holy or unholy “Amen” to whatever has captured our imaginations.  Think about it.  If someone were observing your days, and all the choices you make, what would they conclude about your values and deepest beliefs?  Is your life being lived and prayed in adoration and thanksgiving to God or, are the cares of this world usurping your “Amens”?  The question to ponder is:

“What are you saying “Amen” to with your life?

It was 5:00pm and I decided to take a muddy walk toward some horses and cows that were feeding on the land next to ours.  As I watched my feet hunt for dry patches, I became aware of a gentle breeze that beckoned me to notice the Companion of the ages who walked alongside me.  In that moment, I felt myself exhale the angst of the day and draw in a deep breath of peace. All worry evaporated as I was roused from my stupor and awakened to the reality of God with me. What a happy “Amen” that bubbles up within us whenever we enter God’s fellowship.  There we encounter THE Amen, the Faithful One, the True Witness, the Beginning…and there, in the middle of His “Yes” to us, we find our own “Amen” spilling out of us in praise!

 “Thank you, Father, for nestling up close and helping me to feel your company today.  I confess that I live too often saying “Amen” to things that are passing away…like, the comforts of the day,  or making life all about me.  Lead me into Your presence and fill my heart with praise.  Amen!”

What about you?

What are you saying amen to with your life?

Are you aware when God is beckoning you into His presence?

When your soul is restless, how do you draw near to God?

Have you experienced God’s “Yes” over your life?

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”  (John 3:16)