Category Archives: Spiritual Formation

Rejoice Always!

DSC_0018.JPGBy Judy Villanueva

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (Thes.5:16-18)

At first glance, the exhortation to “rejoice always” seems unrealistic. How can I be glad and full of joy all the time? Giving thanks for happy times comes easily enough but, what about the tired, sad, or lost days? Is there a secret to giving thanks in all circumstances? I am convinced that it has everything to do with drawing in and drawing on the truth about God.

God is. He is good. Merciful. God is Loving. He is Kind. Faithful. God knows everything, all the time, perfectly. He is all powerful. Wise. God is Sovereign. Then add the word Infinitely to each of these attributes and watch what happens! His goodness is boundless! His mercy never ends! His love is everlasting! His power inexhaustible, His wisdom limitless, and His faithfulness over, above, in and through all…now and forever!

If I can keep drawing the reality of who God is into my consciousness, then “rejoicing always” becomes a real possibility. But, is it also a choice…a decision…a place of obedience? Does directing my heart and mind toward remembering God and laying the truth of Him over all circumstances tap the springs of life? “In Thy presence is fullness of joy” is the verse that comes to mind. And there it is! God is the Who that makes our hearts want to rejoice always, no matter what, no matter where! His supreme, complete and perfect presence becomes our residing joy, our hearts desire and our fullness of life.

“Father, once upon a time you told me that what my heart needs most is to love and be loved by You. When I’ve cried out for other “wants”, you’ve been kind…and steady in encouraging me to want You. Thank you for helping me to find my way and for breathing Your presence over me in a way that keeps announcing your love and becoming my joy! Amen.”

How about you?

What makes you rejoice?

Are you able to draw in and draw on the truth about God?

Do you need God to breathe His presence over you today? To be your place of peace and joy in the midst of your circumstances?

Make time for God today. A worship song, a walk, a friend, the Word, a prayer…a place for being loved. Registered & Protected<br />

Trust in the Lord

IMG_1772By Judy Villanueva

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

Do you ever feel like God will be faithful to everyone but you? I had an interesting experience in prayer today. Just as I was feeling the Lord encourage me to trust Him with the things I’ve been praying about, I became aware of another voice…a voice that I recognize is often crouching in the corners waiting to shout doubt and unbelief over me. “No, it won’t happen for you. God won’t be faithful to you. Oh, He will be faithful to your friend and your friend’s friend, but He won’t come through for you and you will be left alone to figure it out.”

Doubt and unbelief are tenacious enemies of faith! They skulk about in the shadows determined to steal freedom and life from God’s children. As I sit here in the early hours of the morning, and look out at the gently colored sky, I could not be more convinced that God is trustworthy! As I read the Bible and peruse my own life story, God’s faithfulness is evident, sweet, and strong. I don’t think there is anything truer in the universe than that God deserves my whole-hearted trust. Nevertheless, the reality is that my faith wrestles with doubt and wars regularly with the part of me that wants to know what I cannot know, control what I cannot control. I stubbornly lean on my own understanding and then wonder why I have no peace.

This proverb refers to a faith that free falls into the arms of God! It invites an unshakable confidence in a God whose heart is pure and whose absolute power ensures His sovereignty here, now and forever. It asks us to let go of our doubts and trust beyond outcomes. It affirms that God will make straight our path and beckons the trust right out of our hearts! And, we can trust because He has control of this world and our lives within it…because God can’t not be faithful. It isn’t dependent on His mood…Faithful is who He is!

“Lord, I want to trust You with my whole heart. Please quiet the voices of doubt that interfere with my freedom to believe that You can do beyond all that I ask or think. Expand my knowledge of You and fill my heart for full and surrendered faith. Amen.”

What about you?

How do you do with trusting God? How would it feel to trust Him with your whole heart?

Does leaning on your own understanding get in your way of faith?

Take time to remember God…acknowledge His love and power to provide and direct your path. Registered & Protected<br />

Comforting Space

DSC_0254.JPGBy Judy Villanueva

Isaiah 49:15-16
Can a woman forget her nursing child,
or show no compassion for the child of her womb?
 Even these may forget,
yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.

“That God is omniscient…He knows all that can be known. And this He knows instantly and with a fullness of perfection that includes every possible item of knowledge concerning everything that exists or could have existed anywhere in the universe at any time in the past or that may exist in the centuries or ages yet unborn… God knows instantly and effortlessly all matter and all matters…all things visible and invisible in heaven and in earth, motion, space, time, life, death, good evil, heaven and hell.” (AW Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy)

I had a disappointment today…and it felt good to be reminded that God knows everything, all the time. What a consolation to reflect on the attributes of God! It is vital to refresh our minds with the truth about God so that our hearts can rest in who God is when life gets tricky. For me, it’s been a season of waiting…after living in one community for close to thirty years, my husband and I have relocated to a new city. There is the thrill of new adventures here and so many things that give us tremendous joy, but there is also a strenuous part that involves re-rooting and finding new places of belonging. I have enjoyed great favor in my life but this season has invited me, or imposed on me, a time of not feeling wanted or needed. Yuck. Oh, it’s not personal but it is humbling and frustrating and a little scary. After a good cry, I played worship songs and began cleaning the house, paying bills, filing and doing other normal things that distract and occupy me while my mind and heart reach for God’s comfort.

Where do you go for comfort when you’ve been hurt or disappointed? What helps you calm when you feel sad? Comfort. The Lord’s gift of touching us, His children, and bringing peace to our hearts…a transcendent peace that overrides our human capacity to trust, let go, and believe that because God is, we can relax and lean back into his complete hold of our life. But how do we receive this comfort and where do we go to find it? We are each unique and our road to peace will also be unique, but one thing is common for all of us. That is, finding comfort takes place under the wing of God, in His presence, with His heart, on His lap, in His arms of love…and taking time to be held is a necessary part of finding comfort. In other words, we must pause from all our doing and frenetic efforts to be…be fine, be successful, be all that…and make space for God’s comfort.

Your comforting space might be a walk or sitting quietly in the middle of a garden. It might be doing mundane chores while listening to worship songs, or watching children play. Your way of quieting might include reading the Word or praying with a friend…going on a long run or enjoying the silence and solitude of your own living room. The point is that “slowing” helps us settle down, find God’s wings and nestle in! And, there next to the Almighty, we experience His compassion for us…we are refreshed and reminded that He cannot forget us, nor would He ever! He knows us intimately as He knows everything, all the time! Held there, in the quiet and space, God’s love speaks to our sadness and disappointment, our fears and anxious thoughts. He shows us our names written on His hands and this enfolding of love brings a deep comfort that helps us to rest from our angst and trust in His love.

“Father, I am grateful that you know all things, all the time…and that you know me, too! Thank you that I can trust that You have not forgotten me. Help me to be patient as I wait for next things. Lead me to quiet and comforting spaces of peace and hope. Amen.”

What about you?

Have you had a recent hurt or disappointment? Is there a place of sadness or unrest in your life?

Do you need the Lord’s comfort?

Do you need reminding that God cannot forget you?

Slow down and make time for quiet. With God’s help, nestle in under His wing and let His love speak comfort to your heart. Registered & Protected EXZS-YRRE-Y8PT-GWVH

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

DSC_0271.JPGBy Judy Villanueva

Psalm 13:14-17
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.
 In your book were written
 all the days that were formed for me,
when none of them as yet existed.

How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God!
 How vast is the sum of them!

Do you ever feel like you are not enough? Or, wish that you were a little more like so-and-so? More talkative, less talkative, smarter, wiser, more type A, more type “chill”, more sensitive, less sensitive, more articulate, creative, productive…just plain more or just plain different? I had dinner this week with a new friend who is extraordinarily talented. I was literally in awe of her energy, creativity, and many accomplishments. In all sincerity I found myself sort of gawking at her in amazement and admiration. Later that evening, however, I noticed that something else had crept up on me…self-doubt, an interior voice with a question. Is who I am and how I am ok?” I felt flawed and somehow not what I should be…

I think this is where the enemy of God works his hardest! If God’s children will start to doubt who they are…even though each one of us is a divine inspiration, unique, and cherished…then, the rip-off can take root. Self-doubt enters the mind and rather than trusting God with who we are and agreeing that all His works are wonderful, we live life wishing we were someone else. We miss out on getting to be who God made us to be and experiencing His glory uniquely poured out through exactly our life! Self-doubt and self-rejection turn our eyes inward and not only skew our view of ourselves, but sadly hinder our freedom to enjoy the uniqueness of others as well.

What a contrast to what the Psalmist sings, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well” !!! Once I recognized this old familiar voice, I opened the Word to these verses. I read them over and over…and with each reading my heart lightened and soon they were my words, my song of praise. I was able to make peace with who I am not and rejoice in who I am, trusting that a wise God made me just the way I am…intricately woven in secret, always beheld by the Almighty even before I looked like me, all my days written in His book, and His thoughts of me… too many to count!

“Lord God, you are wonderful! That you think of me and see me all the time, that you love me and always know me every, every minute…astounds me and makes me cry the heartfelt kind of tears. I am so grateful for You! Because of You, I can say that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I love you! Amen.”

What about you?

How do you feel about yourself? Do you compare yourself with others?

Are you free to be you? Maybe imperfect, but uniquely and wonderfully you?

Do you need reminding today that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? That you are on God’s mind and in His heart? Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br />

Face Time

DSC_0021.JPGby Judy Villanueva

Isaiah 40:28

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
 He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

Sometimes, I feel the need to nudge in close to God…to see if I can see His face. Who are you, Father? What are you like? I am drawn by verse 28, “Do you not know? Have you not heard?” It feels like an invitation to know something wonderful! Then, a picture is sketched of the face of God! Everlasting! Creator of the ends of the earth! Never tired and inscrutable in understanding! I take a deep breath and, while I try to take in this picture of God, my dad’s face comes to mind.

My dad has always said to me, “I will love you always…forever and ever.” Every time I see him or talk to him on the phone he says good-bye with these words, “Forever and ever?” And, I say, “Forever and ever!” For as long as I can remember, my dad has loved me. My eyes fill with tears as I consider that, at age 84, he will not always be here to remind me of this blessed reality. He has helped shape a kind image of the Father in me, because of how well he has loved. But, my dad grows weary, and much as I wish it otherwise, he is not everlasting…

In a world when all things eventually come to an end, good and not-so-good, it is reassuring to read that God can not, and will not come to an end. He is everlasting! Think of it! Forever and ever, without end, never ending, this life, next life…always! Pause…take it in…He will always be there for you. He is with you now…and forever!

“Father, I thank you for my dad and the love he has given me for over 50 years of life. He is one of the best gifts You have ever given me. Thank You for another glimpse of Your face this morning and the invitation to know something wonderful…that You are everlasting! Help me to lean against the safety and surety of Your faithful love that is mine…forever and ever. Amen.”

What about you?

Do you feel the need for “facetime” with God? To be invited to know Him better?

Do you know and have you heard that God is everlasting? That He never grows tired?

God loves you and always will…forever and ever. Take time to ponder and receive the reality of this Love that will not end.

momdad Registered & Protected<br /><br />

Watching Bartimaeus Beg

DSC_257By Judy Villanueva

Mark 10:46-52
Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

As I read the story of Bartimaeus I am immediately intrigued by his determination to have an encounter with Jesus…and he doesn’t seem at all self-conscious about begging! I imagine the crowd walking by and he, hearing the commotion, crying out “What’s going on? Someone tell me what’s going on?” And, upon learning that Jesus was coming he yells for mercy! “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” Can you picture it? Jesus is coming! Hope is passing by!

Everyone tells him to “shut-up!” “Stop bothering Jesus!” “Be quiet!” “Go away!” Hope discouragers, people who don’t want Jesus bothered with a beggar. I love that despite the rebuke, Bartimaeus shouts all the more! I’m not sure why this both amuses and confronts me, but it does! This man’s desperation and heart to go after Jesus “all the louder” makes me glad for him, but also, sadly aware of my own reluctance to ask for the things I need.

I love that Jesus hears the beggar’s cry and cares! He is not too busy or bothered to notice “hope” crying out for help! And, Bartimaeus is ready for his healing! He throws off his cloak and jumps up the minute he is told that Jesus is calling! “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asks. “I want to see.” And, Jesus gives sight to the blind man! I love Jesus!

As I watch Bartimaeus beg, I realize that I am out of touch with the fact that I am the beggar. Or, at least, I feel aware that my condition is no less desperate. I need the love of Jesus! I need His healing touch! I am desperate for His notice and never, never, never want to take for granted that, without Him, I lose the most joyous, beautiful, and blessed thing in my life. Watching Bartimaeus beg humbles me and encourages me in my helplessness…he inspires me to shout all the louder for all the healing and life that is found in Jesus.

“Jesus, I confess my pride and reluctance to know my blindness. Help me to cry out for the help I desperately need. Thank You that You call to me daily and ask me to tell You what I want You to do for me. Thank you that You always see me, always stop for me, and always meet me at my exact place of need. Amen.”

What about you?

Do you need Jesus today? Are you aware of what you need from Jesus?

Are you able to ask for what you need? If not, what keeps you from asking?

What is it you want Jesus to do for you?

This is what Jesus was “saying” to me as I read this passage. What is He saying to you? Registered & Protected 

One Thing

DSC_1265By Judy Villanueva

Mark 4:36-40

“A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.

Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.

The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Someone very dear to me is in the midst of a storm today. As I pray, I frantically scoop out the water that threatens! “Lord!” I cry out, “Where are you? Don’t you care?” That’s how it feels when the rain pounds, the wind whips, and the water rises. It is truly frightening, not to mention disorienting!

So, what is this faith that Jesus speaks of? Faith in what? For what? That we’ll be rescued? That God won’t let us drown? That He’ll provide shelter from the storm? Anyone who has walked with Jesus for more than a season knows that God allows His children to face storms…big ones and small ones. And, quite honestly, it seems perfectly reasonable to be afraid because it is terrifying to be overtaken by a storm! Much as we pray and scoop out water, it can feel like we are at the mercy of unpredictable winds and a sleeping Savior!

So, how was it that Jesus could lay his head down on a pillow and sleep during the storm? How was He not afraid? What faith did He know?

I think it must have been a faith in Love! Jesus trusted in His Father’s love…completely. He could sleep because His trust wasn’t tied to the storm at all! His peace wasn’t contingent on a “quick fix”, a healing or the calming of a storm, necessarily. Jesus fearlessly trusted in God’s Love! He had faith in God’s power and knew that no storm was a match for God, but there is something else! I wonder… could His calm have had anything to do with the fact that Jesus had nothing to lose? Live or die, was there only One thing He really desired, One thing that mattered to Him, One thing that could possibly have stolen His peace… and One thing He knew could never be taken from Him?!!!

From all eternity Jesus knew the Love of the Father! How could anything else possibly compare??? Think of it! Jesus had existed in perfect union with perfect Love for absolutely forever. He knew this Love could not be shaken by any storm, and THAT is all He NEEDED to know! The boat could sink. He could drown… Or not! It wouldn’t change the one anchoring Truth that the love of God would always be His.

“Father, help me to know Your love like Jesus did! How I want to exist in this life convinced that there is only One thing that really matters, One thing that will calm my fears, and One Love that can never be taken from me. And, when I find myself in the midst of the storm, please oh please, draw near and help me to trust in Your amazing love. Amen.”

How about you?

Are you in the midst of a storm? Are you afraid? Do you feel like God doesn’t care?

Do you know the love God? Do you want to know it more? Ask for more.

As you read this passage, watch Jesus. Be a witness to how God’s love impacted Jesus…His freedom from fear, His peace in the midst of the storm.

God loves you and always will. Registered & Protected 

Stirring Hope

DSC_0238.JPGBy Judy Villanueva

John 5:-2-9

Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, and withered, waiting for the moving of the waters; for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was made well from whatever disease with which he was afflicted. A man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He *said to him, “Do you wish to get well?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus *said to him, “Get up, pick up your pallet and walk.” Immediately the man became well, and picked up his pallet and began to walk.

Thirty-eight years! What a long, long time to hope for healing…to wait for healing! I can only imagine how utterly powerless this man felt…how hopeless. I wonder if he was so tired of hoping that he had, for the most part, given up on the life he’d dreamed of and yet, there he sat waiting by a pool that promised life.

What a beautiful moment that must have been when Jesus “saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition!” It touches my heart even now as I read it! To be seen and known is the soul’s deepest need! I know it is mine! I would guess that to the local people, he was probably like part of the landscape…day after day, lying by the pool, waiting for the waters to stir. And, we read that not only was there no one to help him get into the pool, but others would step in before him. Yuck!

But, not Jesus! “Do you wish to be well?” An odd question to ask a man who has been ill thirty-eight years unless it’s about more than the question…Unless Jesus was stirring a different pool! Can you hear the words? Stir! Can you picture the look on the man’s face? Someone sees him! Someone cares! Stir! Jesus confronts the sick man’s misplaced hope in a pool of water with a question that I think was meant to stir true hope in the true Healer! And, the man answers by telling Jesus about the obstacles that have kept him from entering the pool, to which Jesus responds, “Get up! Pick up your pallet and walk!” I’m trying to imagine what it would feel like to hear Omnipotence say, “Get up!” or Infinite Love say, “Walk!” And, I wonder what it does to a sick man’s soul to be seen, known, and loved by Jesus…or to my own!

“Jesus, I thank You that you see and know me. You don’t cut in ahead of me and you don’t stand back and watch my suffering. You come to me! Stir up faith and revive a hopeful heart in me. Help me to discern where I’ve misplaced hopes in pools of water and let me hear Omnipotence say ‘Get up!’ and Infinite Love say ‘Walk!’ Amen.”

What about you?

Do you want to be well? Do you need God to stir up hope in you?

Have you been discouraged or worn out by a long time illness, trial, or deferred hope?

What is the object of your hope? Are you looking for the ripples in a pool with no power or at the Omnipotent God?

God sees and knows you. He cares about your life. He is with you in your places of need. He is infinite Love and all-powerful Hope. Registered & Protected<br /><br />

Soul Thirst

dornochscotlandBy Judy Villanueva

Psalm 42:1-3
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

“It is not your idea, not your understanding, not your thinking, not your reasoning, not even your profession of faith, that here can quench the thirst. The home-sickness goes out after God Himself…It is not the Name of God but God Himself Whom your soul desires and can not do without.” (Abraham Kuyper, To Be Near unto God)

I love when I get a “secret clue”! When I read this, I thought, “Yes! Soul-quenching rest and here is a secret clue as to how to get it!” Ok, I admit that short cuts and “voila, poof, all done” strategies are part of my prayer life. “Just change me, Lord!”, “Just heal her, Lord!”, “Just fix it, Lord!”, “Just do it, Lord!”. I can’t help it…it’s what comes first. But then, in the waiting and in my annoyance that I have to wait, I eventually settle down and look up. I tucker myself out and finally quiet down enough to feel the movement of God urging me to look at Him.

“Child, look at me. Who am I? I am Wonder. I am Beauty. I am Power. I am Goodness. I am Holy. I am Kindness. I am Love. I am the breeze that just blessed you, the colors in all that surrounds you, the laughter that delights you. I am in all and through all. I AM. Ssshhh, quiet down now, you’re ok…come look at Me.” And, as I sit next to the world that God made, I feel Him draw near…as I listen to His still, small voice and sit up straight in full attention…as I look at Him as best I can, there comes a rest and a joy that fills my thirsty soul.

“Abba Father, help me to quiet down, slow down and notice You in, around, and through all of my life today. You are all that I need every day. Help me to want You more than I do! Thank You that you are the one, true ‘Secret Clue’— the Living God that came to quench my thirst and be my place of rest. Amen.”

What about you?

Do you thirst for God?

Do you ever feel an angst or restlessness that you cannot seem to fill? Can you describe it?

Do you need to slow down, quiet down and look at God? What helps you “look at God”?

Do you know that God desires to be your soul-quencher, your place of rest?

Slow down and, as best you can, notice God in, around, and through your life today? Registered & Protected 5MU5-AIH3-UXSA-59SO

Jesus Wept

DSC00088_2By Judy Villanueva

“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)

I love that Jesus wept. Oh, not at first…initially, I didn’t understand why Jesus wept for Lazarus when He must have known that He could raise Him from the dead. Even if the Father had said “No” to that plan, Jesus, more than anyone, knew that Lazarus was in a better place. So, why did He weep? I mean, He didn’t just shed a tear and give Mary a hug…Jesus wept!

But, I love that Jesus wept because it tells me that our God is with us. Our – God – is – with – us! Jesus could have skimmed over that moment where death had stolen a dear friend and brother’s life, but He didn’t. Yes, He was omniscient and yes, He was all-powerful! But, knowing all and being All didn’t prevent Him from living that important moment with Mary and Martha in the fullest way. He did not shy away from suffering a deep sorrow. He didn’t minimize it. He didn’t move ahead of it. He lived it with them and Jesus wept.

I love that Jesus wept
because it reassures me that I am not alone in my suffering. My Savior, who knows what is working together for good, doesn’t ignore what is at present hurting, nor would He ever dream of having me endure it alone! He stays right with me and because of His amazing love, chooses again and again to weep when I weep.

“Thank you, Jesus, for being with me all the time and in everything. Thank you that I am never alone in my joys or sorrows. Thank you that, even though I forget you regularly, You cannot and would not ever, ever forget me. I love that you wept for Lazarus and I love that you laugh and weep with me. Amen.”

What about You?

Do you know that Jesus is with you all the time and in everything?

Is there a place of sorrow where you need to remember that you are not alone?

Whether you are experiencing joy or sorrow, share it with Jesus. He is with you and cares deeply for you. Registered & Protected<br />