Colossians 3:13
“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”
Staring at the floor after a long and heated conversation, my husband and I finally agreed on a compromise. We saw a matter very differently but thankfully were able to reach a solution that we each could live with that is, until my back was turned! That’s when he couldn’t help himself and executed a NOT agreed on solution! Errrggh! I would venture to guess that most of the time it’s not the actual offense that mushrooms into a bitter mess, but what happens in the aftermath that tangles up our hearts. My husband sort of apologized and I knew for sure he was sorry that I was upset, but I wasn’t convinced he was sorry for his actions. I confess that what I really wanted was groveling and utter sorrow, but instead I bought a log rocking chair–and it helped!
Nursing grudges. Holding offenses. Keeping a list of wrongs. Why do we feel we are owed a debt when we’ve been wronged or offended? Think about it. When someone doesn’t return a phone call, betrays a confidence, or is careless with our feelings there seems to be an internal tally that accounts for who owes who what. The greater the offense, the greater the debt!
The flesh knows well that it owns these transgressions and, unless there is an exchange made that cancels the debt the offense lives to grow and fester.
The exchange might involve accepting an apology, making retribution (as in the case of the log rocker), or some other kind of not-so-pretty payback. Beware, however, because the flesh is an untrustworthy bookkeeper at war with the things of the Spirit! The numbers may balance, but it will cost you! We must ask ourselves what we want more, evening the score or freedom?
There is only one place to find peace from the offenses we hold, only one exchange that truly sets us free and that is at the foot of the cross! Unless we look up and witness afresh the face of Divine Love dying for us, we fall prey to the notion that we lose something when we forgive. Placing ourselves in daily proximity to Christ on the cross, stretching out our hands to receive His love, and recollecting the outpouring of grace that freed us from our own great debt of sin works to soften and open our hearts to free others.
In the presence of great Love a deposit is received that expands our capacity to relinquish ownership of offenses and exacting of accounts!
As we sit in the lap of Grace, we discover that there is no payback or exchange that compares to belonging to God! His grace is enough.
“Father, keep drawing me to the cross so that I can keep remembering what Your Love did for me. Help me to stand in the flow of Your grace and receive what I don’t deserve. Let Your deposits of love empower my heart to let go of offenses and forgive. Thank You for the cross that freed me! Amen.”
What about you?
Are you holding an offense against anyone?
Do you find it consuming your thoughts and diminishing your joy?
Which do you want more? Evening the score or freedom?
Stand at the foot of cross and look at the lengths God went to free us from our sin. Let it wash over you an fill you with grace for others.