Category Archives: Knowing God

Pleasing the King

IMG_0043By Judy Villanueva

Luke 23:8-11
When Herod saw Jesus, he was greatly pleased, because for a long time he had been waiting to see Him. From what he had heard about him, he hoped to see him perform some miracle. He plied Him with many questions, but Jesus gave him no answer…Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked Him…”

Why didn’t Jesus answer Herod? From all accounts, Herod was pleased to see Jesus and He probably could have won His freedom if He had spoken to Herod or at least placated him with a miracle or two. There was nothing to pin on Jesus, so all He had to do was kiss up a little, schmooze the king…make a friend in a high place and get out of jail free. Right? Why did Jesus stay silent and risk ticking off the king? Was it, as it so often is, about more than people pleasing or getting out of jail? Was Jesus looking through the king to a heart and beyond a request to a Face…His Father’s?

Herod wanted to be entertained. He had heard of Jesus and wanted to see for himself what this miracle worker could do! Instead, like a pet that won’t perform on command, Jesus refused to entertain the king and the king was not pleased! How dare Jesus not satisfy his appetite! Herod’s pride was surely wounded because, after all, he was the king and was accustomed to having his every wish accommodated. But Jesus wasn’t there to tickle or entertain. He had only one thing on His mind…the one thing always on His mind…to do the will of His Father. His silence was not only a response to a hardened heart, but most assuredly an act of obedience.

And me? How often do I summon Jesus to accommodate my wishes rather than to enjoy His company? How do I react when Jesus doesn’t meet my expectations…when He disappoints me or doesn’t act the way I want? I wish I could say that I always trust his heart and rely on His wisdom more than anything, but the truth is that, like Herod, I often become disgruntled and disappointed. No, I don’t curse Him or shout insults at Him, but I do ever so subtly call Him a false king every time I doubt His wisdom, faithfulness and good plans for my life.

“Forgive me, Jesus, for not honoring You as the wise King that you always are…for not Trusting You when I am afraid…for denying Your love and wisdom when I am disappointed or don’t understand outcomes. Help me to remain devoted to You no matter what and to trust more deeply in your faithful love. Amen.”

What about You?

Do you ever find yourself wanting things from Jesus more than wanting Jesus?

How do you respond when it feels like Jesus is not answering?

God is patient. Ask to know Him more and better…to want to want Him most of all! Registered & Protected<br /><br />

Water Walking

seaofgalileeBy Judy Villanueva

Matthew 14:25-29

“During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come.” He said.

As I imagine myself on the Sea of Galilee as this familiar story unfolds, the first thing I can identify with is the terror that these young men feel at seeing a figure coming toward them during the fourth watch of night. It had to be a ghost! What else could explain what they were seeing? Then, a Voice calls to them from the center of their fear…One they recognize…One that has been with them as a friend and teacher. “Take Courage! It is I. Don’t’ be afraid.” What would it be like to hear Jesus say these words in the midst of whatever has frightened or disturbed your soul? I find myself reading and re-reading the sentence, taking it in for myself…for today…for my life, here and now.

I don’t feel ready, but I continue to read and find myself captivated by Peter’s reply to Jesus, “Lord, if it is you tell me to come to you on the water.” What?  Peter didn’t just want to be with Jesus, he wanted to be with Him on the water! I love it! In short order, Jesus would have joined Peter and the disciples on the boat but Peter wants more! He wants  Jesus AND he’s willing to step into the impossible made possible to get there!   Can you even imagine what Peter was thinking and feeling? It boggles my mind and calls to my spirit with a grand invitation to want ALL that Jesus has for me… to any and all water-walking moments!

Seeing Jesus defy the laws of nature filled Peter with the gumption for an audacious ask! And, “Come” was all he needed to hear in order to get out of the boat and put his feet ON the water!! I know that Peter sinks…but before he sank, he walked on water! I want to be with Jesus, too. I want to let His water-walking life inspire moments where I, too, say “If it’s you, tell me to come” no matter how frightening or impossible the first steps might seem. I want to hear His voice of love and authority sweep me up and out of my fears and place my wobbly feet on the water beside His!

“All of you, Lord! All of you. Let me hear your voice of love calling to me from the midst of my worries with a command to take courage! If it’s Your voice declaring, “It is I. Do not be afraid” I will not be afraid! If it’s You, Lord, make a way on the waters and tell me to come! Amen.”

What about you

Where do you need to hear Jesus say, “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.” ?

What does this passage stir in you?

What is in your heart to ask of Jesus?

Do you need to hear Jesus say “Come” today? Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br />

Rejoice Always!

DSC_0018.JPGBy Judy Villanueva

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (Thes.5:16-18)

At first glance, the exhortation to “rejoice always” seems unrealistic. How can I be glad and full of joy all the time? Giving thanks for happy times comes easily enough but, what about the tired, sad, or lost days? Is there a secret to giving thanks in all circumstances? I am convinced that it has everything to do with drawing in and drawing on the truth about God.

God is. He is good. Merciful. God is Loving. He is Kind. Faithful. God knows everything, all the time, perfectly. He is all powerful. Wise. God is Sovereign. Then add the word Infinitely to each of these attributes and watch what happens! His goodness is boundless! His mercy never ends! His love is everlasting! His power inexhaustible, His wisdom limitless, and His faithfulness over, above, in and through all…now and forever!

If I can keep drawing the reality of who God is into my consciousness, then “rejoicing always” becomes a real possibility. But, is it also a choice…a decision…a place of obedience? Does directing my heart and mind toward remembering God and laying the truth of Him over all circumstances tap the springs of life? “In Thy presence is fullness of joy” is the verse that comes to mind. And there it is! God is the Who that makes our hearts want to rejoice always, no matter what, no matter where! His supreme, complete and perfect presence becomes our residing joy, our hearts desire and our fullness of life.

“Father, once upon a time you told me that what my heart needs most is to love and be loved by You. When I’ve cried out for other “wants”, you’ve been kind…and steady in encouraging me to want You. Thank you for helping me to find my way and for breathing Your presence over me in a way that keeps announcing your love and becoming my joy! Amen.”

How about you?

What makes you rejoice?

Are you able to draw in and draw on the truth about God?

Do you need God to breathe His presence over you today? To be your place of peace and joy in the midst of your circumstances?

Make time for God today. A worship song, a walk, a friend, the Word, a prayer…a place for being loved. Registered & Protected<br />

Trust in the Lord

IMG_1772By Judy Villanueva

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

Do you ever feel like God will be faithful to everyone but you? I had an interesting experience in prayer today. Just as I was feeling the Lord encourage me to trust Him with the things I’ve been praying about, I became aware of another voice…a voice that I recognize is often crouching in the corners waiting to shout doubt and unbelief over me. “No, it won’t happen for you. God won’t be faithful to you. Oh, He will be faithful to your friend and your friend’s friend, but He won’t come through for you and you will be left alone to figure it out.”

Doubt and unbelief are tenacious enemies of faith! They skulk about in the shadows determined to steal freedom and life from God’s children. As I sit here in the early hours of the morning, and look out at the gently colored sky, I could not be more convinced that God is trustworthy! As I read the Bible and peruse my own life story, God’s faithfulness is evident, sweet, and strong. I don’t think there is anything truer in the universe than that God deserves my whole-hearted trust. Nevertheless, the reality is that my faith wrestles with doubt and wars regularly with the part of me that wants to know what I cannot know, control what I cannot control. I stubbornly lean on my own understanding and then wonder why I have no peace.

This proverb refers to a faith that free falls into the arms of God! It invites an unshakable confidence in a God whose heart is pure and whose absolute power ensures His sovereignty here, now and forever. It asks us to let go of our doubts and trust beyond outcomes. It affirms that God will make straight our path and beckons the trust right out of our hearts! And, we can trust because He has control of this world and our lives within it…because God can’t not be faithful. It isn’t dependent on His mood…Faithful is who He is!

“Lord, I want to trust You with my whole heart. Please quiet the voices of doubt that interfere with my freedom to believe that You can do beyond all that I ask or think. Expand my knowledge of You and fill my heart for full and surrendered faith. Amen.”

What about you?

How do you do with trusting God? How would it feel to trust Him with your whole heart?

Does leaning on your own understanding get in your way of faith?

Take time to remember God…acknowledge His love and power to provide and direct your path. Registered & Protected<br />

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

DSC_0271.JPGBy Judy Villanueva

Psalm 13:14-17
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.
 In your book were written
 all the days that were formed for me,
when none of them as yet existed.

How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God!
 How vast is the sum of them!

Do you ever feel like you are not enough? Or, wish that you were a little more like so-and-so? More talkative, less talkative, smarter, wiser, more type A, more type “chill”, more sensitive, less sensitive, more articulate, creative, productive…just plain more or just plain different? I had dinner this week with a new friend who is extraordinarily talented. I was literally in awe of her energy, creativity, and many accomplishments. In all sincerity I found myself sort of gawking at her in amazement and admiration. Later that evening, however, I noticed that something else had crept up on me…self-doubt, an interior voice with a question. Is who I am and how I am ok?” I felt flawed and somehow not what I should be…

I think this is where the enemy of God works his hardest! If God’s children will start to doubt who they are…even though each one of us is a divine inspiration, unique, and cherished…then, the rip-off can take root. Self-doubt enters the mind and rather than trusting God with who we are and agreeing that all His works are wonderful, we live life wishing we were someone else. We miss out on getting to be who God made us to be and experiencing His glory uniquely poured out through exactly our life! Self-doubt and self-rejection turn our eyes inward and not only skew our view of ourselves, but sadly hinder our freedom to enjoy the uniqueness of others as well.

What a contrast to what the Psalmist sings, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well” !!! Once I recognized this old familiar voice, I opened the Word to these verses. I read them over and over…and with each reading my heart lightened and soon they were my words, my song of praise. I was able to make peace with who I am not and rejoice in who I am, trusting that a wise God made me just the way I am…intricately woven in secret, always beheld by the Almighty even before I looked like me, all my days written in His book, and His thoughts of me… too many to count!

“Lord God, you are wonderful! That you think of me and see me all the time, that you love me and always know me every, every minute…astounds me and makes me cry the heartfelt kind of tears. I am so grateful for You! Because of You, I can say that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I love you! Amen.”

What about you?

How do you feel about yourself? Do you compare yourself with others?

Are you free to be you? Maybe imperfect, but uniquely and wonderfully you?

Do you need reminding today that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? That you are on God’s mind and in His heart? Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br />

Face Time

DSC_0021.JPGby Judy Villanueva

Isaiah 40:28

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
 He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

Sometimes, I feel the need to nudge in close to God…to see if I can see His face. Who are you, Father? What are you like? I am drawn by verse 28, “Do you not know? Have you not heard?” It feels like an invitation to know something wonderful! Then, a picture is sketched of the face of God! Everlasting! Creator of the ends of the earth! Never tired and inscrutable in understanding! I take a deep breath and, while I try to take in this picture of God, my dad’s face comes to mind.

My dad has always said to me, “I will love you always…forever and ever.” Every time I see him or talk to him on the phone he says good-bye with these words, “Forever and ever?” And, I say, “Forever and ever!” For as long as I can remember, my dad has loved me. My eyes fill with tears as I consider that, at age 84, he will not always be here to remind me of this blessed reality. He has helped shape a kind image of the Father in me, because of how well he has loved. But, my dad grows weary, and much as I wish it otherwise, he is not everlasting…

In a world when all things eventually come to an end, good and not-so-good, it is reassuring to read that God can not, and will not come to an end. He is everlasting! Think of it! Forever and ever, without end, never ending, this life, next life…always! Pause…take it in…He will always be there for you. He is with you now…and forever!

“Father, I thank you for my dad and the love he has given me for over 50 years of life. He is one of the best gifts You have ever given me. Thank You for another glimpse of Your face this morning and the invitation to know something wonderful…that You are everlasting! Help me to lean against the safety and surety of Your faithful love that is mine…forever and ever. Amen.”

What about you?

Do you feel the need for “facetime” with God? To be invited to know Him better?

Do you know and have you heard that God is everlasting? That He never grows tired?

God loves you and always will…forever and ever. Take time to ponder and receive the reality of this Love that will not end.

momdad Registered & Protected<br /><br />

Jesus Wept

DSC00088_2By Judy Villanueva

“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)

I love that Jesus wept. Oh, not at first…initially, I didn’t understand why Jesus wept for Lazarus when He must have known that He could raise Him from the dead. Even if the Father had said “No” to that plan, Jesus, more than anyone, knew that Lazarus was in a better place. So, why did He weep? I mean, He didn’t just shed a tear and give Mary a hug…Jesus wept!

But, I love that Jesus wept because it tells me that our God is with us. Our – God – is – with – us! Jesus could have skimmed over that moment where death had stolen a dear friend and brother’s life, but He didn’t. Yes, He was omniscient and yes, He was all-powerful! But, knowing all and being All didn’t prevent Him from living that important moment with Mary and Martha in the fullest way. He did not shy away from suffering a deep sorrow. He didn’t minimize it. He didn’t move ahead of it. He lived it with them and Jesus wept.

I love that Jesus wept
because it reassures me that I am not alone in my suffering. My Savior, who knows what is working together for good, doesn’t ignore what is at present hurting, nor would He ever dream of having me endure it alone! He stays right with me and because of His amazing love, chooses again and again to weep when I weep.

“Thank you, Jesus, for being with me all the time and in everything. Thank you that I am never alone in my joys or sorrows. Thank you that, even though I forget you regularly, You cannot and would not ever, ever forget me. I love that you wept for Lazarus and I love that you laugh and weep with me. Amen.”

What about You?

Do you know that Jesus is with you all the time and in everything?

Is there a place of sorrow where you need to remember that you are not alone?

Whether you are experiencing joy or sorrow, share it with Jesus. He is with you and cares deeply for you. Registered & Protected<br />