Category Archives: Knowing God


DSC_0316By Judy Villanueva

Philippians 4:11-12

 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

“As soon as God comes through for me and heals ‘this’ area of my life or provides ’that’ answer to prayer then, I’ll be content!  I’ll never doubt Him again and I’ll finally be happy!”  Sound familiar?  Tying contentment to circumstances can be a slippery slope.  If you are anything like me, my favorite solution to any and all angst usually involves getting what I think I need now.  But,   IF  I’ll make a little room for my discontentment to do its work, I just may find myself tripping over my truest and deepest longing, the one that is always reaching for God and touched by His presence!

The secret of contentment that Paul speaks of seems to be unraveled by the imperfect and discontented places of life.

They remind us that our souls ache to be filled!  I’ve often wondered if God didn’t create the five senses so that we can physically experience a foretaste of fullness.  Good food, sweet melodies, and inspiring vistas help us to know what it is to be satisfied.  Likewise, feeling hungry or empty, bored or lonely can motivate us to reach beyond the here and now for the ONE who is able satisfy our souls deep cry for love.   We were made for His presence  and in His company we find the secret of  contentment.

Today, as I shoveled snow off the driveway, I looked up and noticed I was being showered with the fluffiest, most beautiful snowflakes!  In this unexpected midlife moment, I felt like a child playing outside, caught up in the beauty and magic of what felt like a living snow globe!  I looked over at my husband, who was also helping to relocate millions of snowflakes, and felt Grace enfold me.  It drew me into an acute awareness of God’s goodness and seemed to sift out worry and offer me a cupful of joy! 

All of a sudden, I felt lucky and aware of what IS blessings my life, rather than what ISN’T.

I stood there with my face toward heaven and my arms stretched out, so as not to miss one ounce of the Grace that was falling all around me!

“Father, thank You that You want to be my place of deep and residing contentment.  Help me to follow my longings to Your heart that waits for me.  Thank you for always waiting and reaching for me.   Amen.”

What about you?

When did you last feel full and content?

Where and how are you now discontent?

What helps you feel close to God?

Have you experienced the secret of being content?

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Peace, Be Still

IMG_4539By Judy Villanueva

He told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, “Quiet! Settle down!” The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass. (Mark 4:39)

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take courage! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

“I wonder if cows are glad when the sun comes up, after being in the dark all night.”  My husband’s pondering made me smile as I tried to picture happy cows at dawn!  We had been driving for some time and, as the sun began to rise, I realized that I, too, am glad for the coming of light each morning.  So many faces flashed through my mind of loved ones who are waiting in the dark…worn out, discouraged and eager to be glad again.  A broken heart, a tormented mind, a hope deferred, a dread realized…each one bearing a trial that disrupts peace, troubles the soul and threatens faith in a good and mighty God.

When I think of peace in tribulation, the image of Jesus sound asleep in a violent storm comes to mind. Can you picture that small boat tossed about on the Sea of Galilee and the disciples white with fear?  I often read Scripture as though  looking through a telescope, viewing a familiar story and watching it unfold up close.  Coming upon Jesus, with His head on a pillow, fast asleep, helps me touch the peace of God.  Look!

God’s reign over all of life blanketed our Savior with a Shalom that freed Him from worry…and allowed Him to sleep in the middle of a raging storm.

Jesus had no fear for His life because He knew His Father had it covered.  Asleep on a boat or hanging on a cross, Jesus’ life was held securely in the hand of God.  So is ours.  It’s tempting to tie our peace to circumstances and outcomes that we cannot control.

Only Jesus fully grasps the cosmic triumph that happened when He overcame the world, but He did and because He did, we can take courage!

I suspect that, rather than cursing the storms, we find peace as we join Him on the boat and put our heads on the pillow next to His.  With Jesus, we are helped to bear our pain and trust the One who reigns — for the coming of Light in the morning and the power to make us glad again.

“Father, bring Light to our darkness and peace to our storms.  Give us courage to trust You and reassurance that you are with us.  Be our peace and gladness today  and help us as we wait for the dawn.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you in a season of loss or trial?

What does it mean to you that Jesus has overcome the world?

Have you experienced the peace in Christ?

What is the prayer of your heart today?

The One who overcame is with you.  Take courage!

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DSC_0237By Judy Villanueva

Luke 1:27-33

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.  But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

What does it mean to find favor with God?  It’s a prayer I pray over my friends and family regularly and especially, when I want heaven to pour out its blessings of life, healing, provision and freedom!  “Favor, Lord.  Favor!”  It’s a way of saying, “Look over here!  We need You!  Just say the word and it will be done.”  Sometimes it is a desperate plea and other times a longing for an open door, a ray of light, or a “yes” from God.  It may feel elusive, but His favor remains big, unbeatable and bursting at the seams for each of us!

When Mary met the angel, Gabriel, he quieted her fears with the words, “You have found favor with God.”  He then, opened up Heaven’s heart and disclosed a divine revelation that would turn her life upside-down and change the world forever. It was an invitation to participate in the greatest act of Love, the most profound gift of grace and the best story ever told!  What was the favor of God that found Mary?

She would be the first to receive Christ and would carry in her womb the One who would bring amazing grace to a needy world.

The favor Gabriel proclaimed that day had everything to do with bringing Christ to the world!    It was Mary’s moment to jump into the middle of a Divine invitation, carried to her literally on the wings of an angel.  And, now it is our turn to jump!  We, who have believed and received Christ, are filled with His life and bear the potential of carrying Divine love to each moment, each friend and each invitation given us in the day.

God saw us and said the Word!  He opened the door and became our ray of Light…and we became His favored ones, invited to carry Christ to our world.

“Father, I thank you for the privilege of bearing your Son and for the daily invitations to carry Him into my world.  What a different way of serving and living a day!  Fill me with Your Spirit and help me to follow as you lead me to love.  Amen.”

What about you?

Have you received Christ?  His free gift of  grace is yours for the asking.  “Lord, I need You.  Forgive me.  Come!   Amen.”

Did you bring Christ to your world today?  With whomever you were with and whatever you did…did you carry Christ with you?

Are  you ready to jump with God into the next invitation to bring the love the Christ to your world?

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Want God?


By Judy Villanueva

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You.  (St. Augustine)

My eyes opened and I peeked out from under sleepy eyelids to see what time it was…5:00am!  I should’ve gone back to sleep but all I could think of was hot, brown, yummy coffee with cream and sugar!  I had awakened to the prospect of sipping a mug of  “wake me up and make me happy” goodness, so drifting back to sleep was pretty unlikely.  As I sat in the dark waiting for the beep that would signal “the best part of waking up,”  I became acutely aware of a lacking in my hunger for God, or at least, a weakness of fervor compared to my morning passion for a cup of Joe.  Yuck.  I don’t want that to be true, but there it is…the whole, caffeinated truth of it.

How does the soul pant for God?  We have been made for Him and even if we do not believe He exists, our souls know better! 

There is a “sacred place” within us that longs for its Maker, remembers its true home, and yearns to be with God.

It is why, I believe, it matters to us that our lives have meaning.  It accounts for the angst we experience when we are silent, or agree to sit still.  In the spaces between moving around and being busy with this or that, we can feel our soul hunger for God.  This part of us doesn’t believe for a moment that we “just happened” after a big bang, but retains the precious truth of our origins.  Sadly, it is possible to ignore our soul and after a while, we can become impervious to its longing for God.  I’m not sure there is anything more profoundly tragic than that a soul should forget that it belongs to God.

The image of a deer panting for water is a vivid picture of focused desire, not unlike my morning quest for coffee.  “Wanting” so often is driven by habits and hungers, both real and imagined, so how do we tune into our soul’s desire for God?  How do we learn to sit patiently next to Him, when everything in us wants to squirm away and fill up with temporal things?

I want to learn to follow my soul’s yearning into God’s presence and hold myself there long enough to experience His embrace.

I want to drink in the Lord more fully and not get up until my soul overflows.  I need to slow myself down, linger in prayer, ponder God’s word,  and savor the joy of belonging to God.  His company is what I want to anticipate when I peek out from sleepy eyelids in the morning and He is what I want to fill up with each day.

“Lord, help me to pay attention to the hunger pangs of my soul and learn to want You, as I open my eyes in the morning.  Call my soul to come and teach me how to enjoy Your presence more fully.  Amen.”

What about you?

Did you pant for God today?

Are you aware and paying attention to your soul’s longing for God?

How do you bring your soul to God?

You have been made for God.  He is your home and place of rest.



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Standing on Tiptoes!

DSC_0514By Judy Villanueva

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.   (Romans 15:13)

When was the last time you stood on your tiptoes?  How long has it been since you were filled with stretched-out anticipation at seeing  wonder just the other side of eye-level?  Abounding hope.  Not meager or malnourished, but explosive, Spirit-empowered belief in things unseen!  We see in children an unspoiled capacity to be awed, and a readiness to stand up tall and watch for magical moments.  Bubbles and balloons, clouds and caterpillars, flashlights and fairy tales easily capture young imaginations with delight and grant a blessed sense that the world is good.   But growing up can threaten our tiptoe potential and weigh us down with harsh realities that want to crush our joy and energy to believe.  What do we do when we’ve lost our capacity to hope?

Jesus said that in this life we will have trouble and the reality is that disappointments, losses, and unexpected turns can suck the hope right out of us!  If we are not careful, we may find that we’ve traded in our beautiful dreams for a life resigned to unmet expectations.   You might be worn out or too discouraged to hope, but consider that

without the stirrings of believing beyond what we see, the colors drain out of our imaginations and life becomes a flat-footed trudge to the finish line.

If you relate to this at all, I implore you to fight…fight hard and look up!

God  wants to capture our imaginations and reclaim our hopes!  At His side, we can learn to look at our lives with Him and find our way back onto our tiptoes.  He becomes our joy and peace in believing and, as we figure out how to want and enjoy Him, our hearts get rooted in hope’s best soil!  Here, hope is set free with refreshed vigor!  We can hope because our God is a hoper!

He hoped beyond our sin to the cross, past death to a resurrection, and He continues to hope us into His kingdom, redeemed.

God stands on tiptoes…hoping for us!

“Lord, I used to be a good hoper and I confess that life has made me careful in my hoping.  But, I’m not ready to give up dreaming with You and believing You for wonders and magical moments.  Teach me again to hope…cuz I know I could stand on tiptoes next to You!  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you a hoper?

Do you experience the blessings of joy and peace in believing?

Has life made you reluctant to hope in God?

Are you learning to want and enjoy God?

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 

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Worship: Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> PQZH-AKDI-9KNR-4FBR


DSC_0264By Judy Villanueva

1 Kings 19:9-13
And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

My grandmother was one of my best friends. Before she died at age 98, she and I use to spend one day a week together. We would run errands to the egg store, the nursery, and often, to find a good banana split! Nana loved watching soap operas and it always made me smile that she would talk through practically her entire show, sneak in a snooze, and then talk a little more! I loved the sound of her voice, the sparkle in her dark, brown eyes, and learning about joy from being with her. I miss the experience of being drawn into a place of slowing just by being in her company.

How do we honor a pattern of slowing in our days so that we are ready when God passes by? Can it be done “on the way” to this and that with our hands full of life?

Take a deep breath—exhale. Do it again…slowly. It’s an easy way to pause and take in the peace of a moment slowed. It feels good! It poises us to find our souls, if we care to. The challenge of slowing down is that the things we try to stay ahead of…like, guilt, worry, pain, loneliness, boredom, fear…catch up with us!  Conversely, the blessedness of slowing is that we come into fuller contact with all of the joys set before us, like the sparkle in a loved ones eyes, lessons hidden in simple presence…and, the voice of God in a whisper.

God delights with us in our doing but, without the habit of slowing, we risk becoming overly tired, overwhelmed, and unfocused. Worse, we may miss God as He passes by in our day. He does, you know, pass by every day!

Elijah had been through a battle! He had just taken a stand against the false prophets of Baal and witnessed the fire of God bring a supreme defeat upon their heads!  When he  finally arrived on Mount Horeb he was utterly depleted and had completely lost perspective.  God listened. He knew what Elijah needed and invited him to come, stand in His presence.  He invites us as well, to step out from our doing  each day and fully experience moments of His passing by.  Deep breath.  After the wind, fire, and earthquake, Elijah finally heard God’s gentle whisper, covered his face and began to recover.

That’s what slowing does! It helps us hear God’s voice apart from the distractions and noise of life!  It awakens us to One Who is with us…

To the  One who passes by with light for our paths, healing for our souls, strength for our callings, and love to remind us that we are not alone.

“Father, I thank You that You know your children well and that You keep track of us in the battles, in the deserts, and on the mountain tops. Help me to hear Your gentle whispers that call me to attention. Lead me into slowing places where I can let go of my hurry and not miss when You pass by!  Amen.”

What About You?

How often do you slow down?

Are you comfortable with quiet and stillness?

What helps you slow down?

Take time to slow and listen for God’s gentle whisper.

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The Fear of the Lord by Tommy Walker Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> F9GB-LPZ9-IF1B-TWCT

Rocks and Trees

DSC_1209By Judy Villanueva

“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
  From where shall my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 121)

“…with God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

I have a hundred pictures of trees growing out of rocks!  It catches my attention like a burning bush and shouts “Hope” to my soul!  My husband and I have literally planted over a hundred trees in the last ten years.  We’ve watered them, fed them, and have spent hours weeding, pruning, and protecting them.  To my dismay, maybe a third have survived!  The large pine under the eaves, on the other hand,  has been pushed completely over by ice sliding off the roof more than once and now stands taller than the roof.  One of our healthiest aspens was severed in half by another ice slide and grew back with such vigor that it now also rises above the roof offering abundant shade each morning.  I’m no arborist, but the common denominators seem to involve hardship and lots of water!

As for trees that grow out of rocks, I can only surmise that God loves life and can call it to rise up…even from the hardest places!

I stand before trees with rocky birthplaces in silence, awe and incredulity!  I take pictures of them to remind myself that God can do anything!  I come from a family that tends to be rather practical, which is a tremendous asset when it comes to making decisions, processing conflict or buying a car.  But, as it relates to matters of faith, being practical seems to tether me to the possible when what I really want to reach for is the “tree out of the rock” impossible

I want to hope beyond reason, pray for miracles, and watch breathlessly for God to interrupt my practical expectations with a divine thunder that initiates an impractical faith!

It helps me to remember, that once upon a time, a Father called forth life from behind a stone that covered a tomb…that held a beloved Son.  Was it a whisper or did He shout, “Arise!”?  The stone was rolled away and beneath the burial cloth, a heart began to beat and the sound of God breathing filled the air!  Listen!

Can you hear the sound of God breathing over your life today?

Rest.  He is.  Truth is that sometimes all we can do is lean back into the hard places, drink in God’s presence, and wait for Him to help life break through.   In the meantime, we can lift our eyes to the mountains, marvel at trees that grow out of rocks, and let them shout “Hope!” to our souls.  We can trust that God loves us.   He can do what we cannot and with Him, all things are possible.

“Lord God, breathe into our weary hopes and help us through our trials.  Grow trees out of rocks and do the impossible according to Your good will!  Help us to trust that You love life…our lives, each one!  Strengthen us and sustain us as we wait for life to break through.  Amen.”

What about you?

 Can you hear the sound of God breathing over your life today?

Do you need God to do something that seems impossible? 

What catches your attention and reminds you that you can trust God?

Do you have a practical faith or one that breathlessly waits for God to do the impossible?


(Dedicated to Steven, Trina Beaumont and my little brother)



Just Believe!

DSC_1209By Judy Villanueva

“Don’t be afraid, just believe!”  (Luke 8:50)

“Do not be deceived, Wormwood.  Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy’s will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.”  (CS Lewis, Screwtape Letters)

Pain, loss, and disappointment have loud voices and, over time,  it can become near impossible to hear Hope over their cries.  They seem to shout, “Don’t you dare hope because stuff happens…even when you pray.”  It is an annihilating lie that likes to take up residence in crushed and weary souls.   It starts by taking an inch but invades with the full intention of shrouding the truth about God and ruling with its message of despair.  Before we know it, this trio is dictating the final word about God…a word that declares Him unfaithful, unable, and unavailable.  But, don’t believe it…not for one minute!

God is good always and no matter what!

He is incapable of being unfaithful.  Despite trials and tribulations, God remains God, and that means He remains perfectly good and perfectly in charge of our lives, our world and this very moment in history.  I do not understand it and wrestle with issues of belief regularly because of the suffering around me.  I admit that atrocities and sorrows devastate my heart and tempt me to doubt God.  I wish I was stronger…but I am just me.   God is helping me to accept that peace will not come from my ability to make sense of pain because I do not have that capacity!  Rather, He woos me to keep looking at His face.

When I read the gospels and watch Jesus healing, washing feet, and dining with sinners, I get a glimpse.  When I watch Him hurt with hurting people and feel compassion for widows, lepers and weary travelers, I get a glimpse.

When I stand at the cross and look up into eyes that look down upon me with a love that wraps all the way around me, I can see… and feel His face!

My soul receives healing and correction…and, somewhere deep within me, I feel a peace wash over the panic of worry and fear.  At the cross, in His face, the dictations of disappointment are silenced, all matter of matters are brought to peace and I am able to “just believe!”

“Lord, I hear you exhorting me to trust You above any other voice that tempts me to doubt your faithful heart!  Quiet the noise of dissonant voices and help me not to lean on my own understanding.  Woo me to Your face and help me to rest in the beauty of Your good heart.  Amen.”


What about you?

Have pain, loss and disappointment shrouded your view of God?

Are you weary and afraid?

Do you know how to look at God?  If not, start by reading the Gospels and watch Jesus.

Have you seen the love of God looking down upon you from the cross?  Stand there and let it wrap all the way around you!



“We Will Remember” by Tommy Walker

“Sovereign”  by Chris Tomlin Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Say You Are Sorry

DSC_0187By Judy Villanueva

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

“Can you tell mom why you are being punished?” “I talked back and didn’t mind you.” (It amazed me how they always knew exactly what behavior had prompted the correction).“What do you have to say to mom?” “I’m sorry…” and then the tears would flow. It was interesting that as my little ones talked about what they had done they spoke in neutral tones, but when they actually said they were sorry they would cry. The act of apologizing moved their little hearts! It convinced me that not letting a child “get away with it” is not only good parenting because it reinforces the benefits of good behavior but also because it helps a child find their sorrow…the good kind of sorrow…the kind that God embedded in the human heart to help steer us away from the cliffs and toward His open arms of love.

It seems to me that part of being made in the image of God includes an interior sense of right from wrong. When we sin we can feel the sand-paper rub against our conscious and we will either hide from the discomfort of it or bring into the light of God’s love. Hiding and stacking our sins weighs down our soul and becomes a doorway to guilt and shame. Guilt and shame are great light-snuffers and work together to crush our spirit, and deceive us about ourselves and God.

Over time, ignoring of the holy prompts that are designed to lead us to grace, has a numbing effect on our conscious and before we know it, our hearts are hard and we are lost.

I wonder if confession has become a neglected practice these days. Have we abandoned the habit of inviting the Holy Spirit to prick our conscious with awareness of our sin and then, allow ourselves to feel a proper sorrow…a sorrow that leads to repentance? Do we dare trust the Love of God enough to know the truth about ourselves? Because it is in the safety of God’s love that we can know our sin and it is in the act of confession that our hearts soften and a holy transaction occurs…guilt for innocence, shame for dignity, and death for life and darkness for Heaven’s arms of love!

“Thank You, Father, that You’ve made a way for me to be set free…the once and for all freedom as well as the daily freedom from sin’s tangles. Thank You for making me in Your image and giving me a conscious that helps me know when I’ve sinned and feel a proper sorrow. Keep my heart open and sensitive to the Spirit’s corrections. Thank you most of all for Jesus and the gift of love that He gave on the cross. Amen.”

What about you?

Is confession a regular part of your spiritual life?

Is your heart numb to the promptings of the Holy Spirit? Are you open and receptive to Him bringing an awareness of sin in your life?

Do you feel a proper sorrow over sin?

Do you labor under shame and guilt? Talk with God. You can trust Him. There is safety in His love. Registered & Protected<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

If You Say So

DSC_0538By Judy Villanueva

Luke 5:3-11

Once while Jesus was standing beside the Sea of Galilee, and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God,  he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake;  the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets.

He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.”  

When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. 

But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken…

I wonder how Peter felt as he agreed to let down his nets for a catch, even though he had been out all night fishing with nothing to show for it.  I wonder if he rolled his eyes as he said, “Yet, if you say so, I will.”  He had already cleaned his nets and must have been exhausted, so putting out into the deep with Jesus would cost him time, energy and maybe the nap he’d hoped for.

I wonder…oh how I wonder… how he felt when the nets filled with fish and began to break!

Or, when the boats began to sink under the weight of this unprecedented catch!  Can you imagine that moment of bounty?  It was a tidal wave of provision that knocked Peter right off his feet!  It was also an announcement that Jehovah Jirah, Our providing God, was present and, in fact, next to Peter in the boat!

It amazes me to watch Jesus in this passage as He ministers to each need from the people gathered on the shore hungry to be taught to Peter in the boat — ready to be caught!   At first glance, it seems like Peter is on the peripheral of this story until Jesus jumps into his boat and asks to go fishing.  Don’t you love Peter?  I love that he first tried to explain to God that he’d already “been there and done that!”  I love that he did it anyways!  And, I love Peter’s heart that, upon witnessing the bodacious power of God, fell down before Jesus awakened to holiness!

I find myself drawn to Jesus’ invitation to “put out into the deep waters”.  What might that mean for me today in my life?  Or, for you?

It seems to be a call to move away from the safety of the shore and all that I think I know, and point my heart and will at Jesus.

No matter how inconvenient or nonsensical, when Jesus speaks to me I want to pray, “Yet, if you say so, I will.”   Do I dare put out into the deep waters of faith and trust Jesus to do the impossible for me?  Can I let go of what I think I have control of and obey His every word?  I don’t want to miss the chance to fish with Jesus and experience the wonder of Him touching my life — or any chance to witness  our net-breaking, boat-sinking God!

“Father, forgive me for ever doubting that You are a good provider.  I hear your invitation to put out into the deep!  Help me to point my heart and will at Jesus and to do whatever You say.  Thank You, that You cannot help but be faithful!  Amen.”

What about you?

Do you want to go fishing with Jesus?

Are you available to follow Jesus and do whatever He says?

How do you respond to Jesus’ invitation to put out into the deep waters?  What might that mean for you today?

Do you know God as Jehovah Jirah, God our provider?
