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Face To Face

poolspicBy Judy Villanueva

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)

“Crinkle, crinkle yittle star, how I wonder what you are…” I sang gently alongside my little grand-daughter as I rocked her to sleep. Her head rested on my shoulder and before long, I could feel her go limp in my arms.  I placed her in the crib, prayed a quiet prayer and stood a minute watching her surrender to sleep. In those sweet moments, I felt God tap me on the shoulder and draw me into awareness that, much like this

He watches over me wherever I am in my life.  He sees me as I come and as I go.  He sings alongside my songs and delights in knowing and loving me.

He may feel distant at times, but I only need look up to find His face!  He is always there, His eyes awaiting my notice.

Seeking the face of God as we walk through our day invites us to notice where He is speaking, correcting, or guiding.  It may seem vague, but it really is as simple as  returning to awareness that God is here.   It is easy to live immersed in activities, mentally disconnected from God, but anytime we agree to slow down soul-space opens up, and the potential for face-time!  How do we look at Jesus?  There are many ways including prayer, spiritual reading, listening to worship music, meditating on the Word and learning how to experience God’s presence in the life around us.

We live fully known by God, but if we want to see His face and desire to have His heart  formed in us, we must engage with Him.

I am always intrigued by the moments in Scripture that mention eye-to-eye encounters with Jesus. Like Jairus, who upon receiving word of his daughter’s death, looks up to find Jesus’ eyes on him with a command, “Do not be afraid. Just believe.”   Can you imagine what Jairus was thinking, “What shall I believe?  My daughter has just died!”

Whatever it was that Jairus saw as he stood facing Jesus grabbed him from the midst of his despair, set him on his feet, and led him to a resurrection!

“Talitha Koum! Little girl, wake up!” And, she did! Is this what happens when we face Jesus?  Do we notice Him looking at us over what crowds our lives and into our broken hearts?  Are we helped to hear His voice that shouts hope to our despair?  Are we emboldened to follow Him to places where our lives are restored and where we feel His gentle tap that reminds us He is with us?

“Lord, I want to see Your face. I want to remember You and live in Your presence more today than yesterday. Help me to engage with you, to slow down enough to hear you calling to me over, what is sometimes, a crowded life.  Thank You for the taps on my shoulder and the reassurance that you are with me. Amen.”

What about you?

What would be like to live a day looking at Jesus? How might it affect your thoughts? Your choices?

Have you experienced the face of God?  The sense of Him seeing and knowing you?

Does the pace of your life allow for slowing down?  Can you see Jesus over what crowds around you each day?

What habits help you connect to God?

God loves you and knows you.  He is with you always.  Look up!


Poking Around

fullsizeoutput_32f8By Judy Villanueva

Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis. There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.

After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly. (Mark 7: 31-35)

My husband and I got stuck recently.  It reminded me of the definition of insanity,  when you try the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome.  In this case, we each tried again to explain our points of view and once again we ended up at a stalemate.  “Maybe if I say it this way or louder or, if I wave my arms and jump up and down?”  Nope.  It didn’t work.  We could not hear each other and were both left kind of sad and stuck with the unresolved matter between us.  Now what?  As I read the story of the deaf and mute man, I begged Jesus to place his hand on me and my dear husband, to open our ears and fill our mouths with grace.  

I’ve read this story many times over the years and am always amused at the way in which Jesus heals this man.  I smile every time I picture Jesus putting his fingers into the man’s ears and, get a little grossed out at the part when He spits and touches the man’s tongue!  As I meditate on this passage today and curiously ponder Jesus’ methods of healing, it occurs to me that this kind of touching is very intimate!  It’s NOT a hand on a shoulder or even an embrace. 

It’s a couple of fingers in a couple of ears!  It’s NOT holy water, but holy SPIT on a tongue!  It’s invasive and it startles me. 

This was not a “Go, your faith has healed you” moment but rather, an “I’m going to move in uncomfortably close and touch the places that are hurting you, that are closed  — or dead!”

Do I want my hearing restored enough to allow Jesus to invade my personal space?  Will I permit my Savior to poke around my soul  sufficiently to purify my heart and mind?   I desperately need to hear Jesus say, “Be opened!” to the closed and wounded places within me. 

Only He can help me hear with a freed soul and only He can loosen my tongue to speak with words of grace. 

No sooner had I begged Jesus for help than my husband walked over to where I was sitting and offered me his presence and a willingness to try again.  We did and, this time, we heard one another and felt the power of God’s deep sigh command us to be opened, “Ephaphatha!” Yes, the love of Christ is invasive and startling, confronting and healing,  patient and powerful — and always aimed at our freedom!

“Lord, I need your fingers in my ears and spit on my tongue!  Thank you for knowing me intimately and hearing my pleas for freedom.  Thank you for helping me to see, hear and speak.  Amen.”

What about you?

Do you need God to sigh and say over your life “Be opened”?  Do you have a sense of your need?

Are you aware of how or where your hearing might be blocked?

Can you hear God say “I love you”?   Can you hear his corrections, confrontations, or words of encouragement?

Are you willing to let Jesus move in uncomfortably close in order to touch the places in you that need healing?



Until It’s The Next Thing, It’s This Thing

DSC_0606By Judy Villanueva

I waited patiently for the Lord,
and He turned to me and heard my cry for help.
He brought me up from a desolate pit,
out of the muddy clay,
and set my feet on a rock,
making my steps secure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.  (Psalm 40:1-3)

“Are we almost there?  How much longer?”  Car rides to vacation destinations are fun until they become torturously long!  The stretch of highway with nothing around for miles and miles can feel unbearable and seems to capture what it feels like to not know what’s ahead or when we will  reach our destination.  Prolonged periods of waiting can be excruciating.  Worry may hover as we wait for a trial to end, a new job to be offered or a damaged relationship to heal.  It might be a pause that shakes us to the core as we wait for test results or, the sacred limbo that we experience as we wait for a birth or a death.  It seems we’ve been created with a longing for peaceful pastures.  We stretch and strain to get through our lives to the next place of settled peace.   Life can feel “on hold” until the next thing emerges and how we need God’s help to find Him in what feels like “in-between” spaces.

Like the elder son in the story of the prodigal, I approach God with my pleas and grievances when I am feeling desperate and tired or, when life doesn’t seem fair.  He says to me what he said to the elder son, “My son (daughter), you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.  What?  It almost feels like He’s doesn’t understand until I realize with searing awareness that even after all these years as a child of God, I’m still seeking what the Father might do for me rather than the treasure He always IS to me? Ouch!  In the clarity of the moment I confess that I want the peaceful pasture more than the good Shepherd. Lord, have mercy…

Present trials tend to unravel our peace and pull our vision away from the gift that is always in front of us, God himself.  Sadly, I usually exhaust myself with worry over unsettled places and live waiting for resolution and the next thing to arrive.  I’m slowly  learning to submit to the reality that until it’s the next thing, it’s this thing and that’s ok

Because, until it’s the next thing God is with me and is WHO I need in all my places.  He is my before, after and in-between!

So, it turns out that it is exactly in the space of straining toward the next thing that the ONE thing, the TRUE thing, the ONLY thing — The  FATHER — waits to satisfy the deepest longing of my soul.

And, it is in the waiting and the welcome of present things that I consent to being shaped and helped to want the One who wants me.

God wants to be our green pastures, our place of settled peace, our present and most precious Father, Friend and Lord — all the time and forever.

“Lord, I am so aware of my strong inclination to squirm out of present pain and waiting.  I don’t want to “get through” life — I want to find and feel You with me in all of it.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you in a time of waiting or  suffering?

Do you find yourself resisting “this present thing” and straining toward the “next thing”?

Do you need help, like me, to trust God with present things?


Jesus is here.  Peace.  God is with you.







Welcoming the King!

lake LouiseBy Judy Villanueva

“Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey…”

The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.  They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on.  A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.  The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,  “Hosanna to the Son of David!”  “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

This Palm Sunday was very different from all others in my life.  The sun rose with the reminder that a threat hangs over our world and the morning news repeated the alarm to wake up and be careful lest you, too, are touched by Covid-19.  In addition, my husband and I woke up stuck in a familiar misunderstanding.  You know the kind where you talk and talk and end up in the same tangled place.  We decided the best way through the intensity of the hour would be to move forward, move along,  just move!  So we did!  He packed us a picnic, I grabbed our jackets and off we drove to a nearby lake that always offers us its beauty and a place to remember that we are not alone or abandoned in our troubles but  HELD — always HELD

 by the God who made Heaven and earth — and bumble bees, full moons, and Springtime!

As we hiked, a beautiful frozen lake encircled by snow covered peaks came into view.  Exhale!  And, what’s this?  A broader perspective!  There, on the waters edge we sat in stunned silence as God ministered peace to us.  It felt like we’d been painted into the middle of His masterpiece and invited to celebrate His company.  And, that is when we heard the familiar echo of Palm Sunday!  The exuberant declaration that the King has come!  And, as we remembered we felt our hearts soften and enter the wonder and miracle of Palm Sunday — in the midst of a misunderstanding and in spite of a world pandemic, 

Jesus is King and His arrival into our days always makes a seismic difference! 

How would our thoughts be impacted if we lived inside of the reality that Jesus has come and is here now?  Are you expecting Him to arrive today and are you ready to welcome Him?  These are the questions that challenged my husband and I to wake up to  the presence of Christ in our very real lives– whether sitting in the middle of a masterpiece, weathering a storm or struggling toward love.  I want to welcome Jesus every day and I want His presence to initiate a seismic difference in my mind and heart.   I want to be part of the announcement that the King has come, and I want to celebrate all that He has done!  The love of Christ hung — and, hangs over our world to remind us that He has OVERCOME —  yesterday, today, and forever!  


“Thank you, Jesus, for being my King!  For entering my life and  clearing the way into your presence.  I welcome you!  Help me to watch for you today and notice all the ways you come to me.  Amen.”

What about you?

Are you watching for Jesus’ arrival today?

Are you ready to welcome Him?

How would seeing Jesus entering your day change the way you think and feel about your life today?

King Jesus is here!  Let’s celebrate!



Want God?

fullsizeoutput_2e3eBy Judy Villanueva

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You.  (St. Augustine)

My eyes opened and I peeked out from under sleepy eyelids to see what time it was…5:00am!  I should’ve gone back to sleep but all I could think of was hot, brown, yummy coffee with cream and sugar!  I had awakened to the prospect of sipping a mug of  “wake me up and make me happy” goodness, so drifting back to sleep was pretty unlikely.  As I sat in the dark waiting for the beep that would signal “the best part of waking up,”  I became acutely aware of a lacking in my hunger for God, or at least, a weakness of fervor compared to my morning passion for a cup of Joe.  Yuck.  I don’t want that to be true, but there it is…the whole, caffeinated truth of it.

How does the soul pant for God?  We have been made for Him and even if we do not believe He exists, our souls know better! 

There is a “sacred place” within us that longs for its Maker, remembers its true home, and yearns to be with God.

It is why, I believe, it matters to us that our lives have meaning.  It accounts for the angst we experience when we are silent, or agree to sit still.  In the spaces between moving around and being busy with this or that, we can feel our soul hunger for God.  This part of us doesn’t believe for a moment that we “just happened” after a big bang, but retains the precious truth of our origins.  Sadly, it is possible to ignore our soul and after a while, we can become impervious to its longing for God.  I’m not sure there is anything more tragic than that a soul should forget that it belongs to God.

The image of a deer panting for water is a vivid picture of focused desire, not unlike my morning quest for coffee.  “Wanting” so often is driven by habits and hungers, both real and imagined, so how do we tune into our soul’s desire for God?  How do we learn to sit patiently next to Him, when everything in us wants to squirm away and fill up with temporal things?

I want to learn to follow my soul’s yearning into God’s presence and hold myself there long enough to experience His embrace.

I want to drink in the Lord more fully and not get up until my soul overflows.  I need to slow myself down, linger in prayer, ponder God’s word,  and savor the joy of belonging to God. His company is what I want to anticipate when I open my eyes in the morning and He is what I want to fill up with each day.

“Lord, help me to pay attention to the hunger pangs of my soul and learn to want You, as I open my eyes in the morning.  Call my soul to come and teach me how to enjoy Your presence more fully.  Amen.”

What about you?

Did you pant for God today?

Are you aware and paying attention to your soul’s longing for God?

How do you bring your soul to God?

You have been made for God.  He is your home and place of rest.



DSC_0345By Judy Villanueva

Luke 12:6-7 

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. But even the hairs of your head are all counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.

That God does not forget one sparrow is a great consolation to my soul, for there is nothing more troubling than to feel forgotten.  Sold for less than one cent, sparrows were considered practically worthless and yet, Jesus testifies that not one is unknown to  God.  Do you ever feel forgotten?  I do at times.  To feel invisible is something that will pull the rug right out from under me.  It might happen when I don’t feel heard, considered, or remembered.  It might occur after a long period of waiting in prayer for provision or relief from a trial.  Whatever the catalyst, feeling forgotten wants to suggest that we do not matter and strikes a harsh blow to our faith and perception of God.

I think that Jesus knows that all of His children have a question embedded in the deepest part of their souls.

Do I matter?

Is my life of value and am I on anyone’s radar?  In this passage, Jesus addresses our need to hear and know how God feels about us with an emphasis that is unmistakable!  His words are a revelation of  God’s divine nature designed to help us know Him better.  Jesus tells us that God’s heart is such that He keeps track of little sparrows and even counts the number of hairs on our heads.  Yes, we matter to God!  His care for us goes far beyond knowing our names and where we live.

God’s love is intimate, personal, and particular!

When I read this morning that God does not forget even a sparrow, I felt my hope wake up!  It’s easy to feel lost in the crowd down here on planet earth–one life among millions over the centuries.  When trouble comes and stays for a long visit, it’s tiring and a little tempting to wonder if prayers have been overlooked or forgotten. This little verse helps me hear Jesus, all the way from the twenty-first century, reminding me that God has not forgotten me or my prayers!

It’s a whisper and a clap of thunder that arrives with an armful of hope for my heart today.

It refuels my faith and reshapes my wounded perception of the God who remembers me, who has utter, complete and perfect knowledge of my life — always!

“Lord, I feel refreshed today that You remember me, my hair, and my story.  Thank You for knowing me intimately, personally and particularly.  Heal  my false and wounded images of You and help me to trust in Your good heart.  Amen.”

How about you?

Do you ever feel forgotten by God?

How might you feel today, in your life right now, if you were convinced of God’s utter, complete and perfect knowledge of you?

Have you heard God say to your soul that you matter?  You do!  You matter.

God loves you and you are on His radar.


Do Not Worry

IMG_3473By Judy Villanueva

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I opened my eyes this morning to find a bunch of worries staring back at me! It was like they had been waiting for me to wake up so they could all talk to me at once. Can you relate? I hadn’t even had my coffee! They had my full attention for a couple of hours and before I knew it my tummy hurt and I felt overwhelmed with worry! As I anxiously drove to my first appointment, these words came to mind, “Be anxious for nothingpraybe at peace” — and I began to talk with God.

What would happen to our worries IF when we prayed, we could physically see the King of Kings sitting across from us listening? How would we feel IF as we told Him all our troubles, we saw the tears well up in His eyes and His head nodding in understanding? These are the questions I asked myself as I laid out my burdens one by one and, THIS is the God I remembered as I made my requests known to Him.  Do you know what happened next?  I felt His peace begin to guard my heart!

In prayer God helps me remember “the real Him,” the Father who stoops to hear my voice, who cares about the things that trouble me — the One who is never too busy to listen, and who, by the way, is the most powerful Being in the universe!

And, even though nothing in the physical world around me immediately changed, I was able to lean back and exhale because I felt His peace surrounding me and I was reminded that the One who holds all things together, also holds me!

“Father, thank You for loving me. It means everything to me that You hear my prayers and care. I feel so lucky that I can talk to the King of Kings! Thanks for listening today and for calming my heart. Help me to trust You with tomorrow. Amen.”

What about you?

Are you worried about anything today? Are you feeling anxious?

Have you experienced God listening to you? Have you talked to Him about your troubles?

Do you need God’s peace to guard your heart today?

Take some time today and tell God your cares.


It’s Personal!

IMG_6759 By Judy Villanueva

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelations 3:20)

“Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.” (John 15:9)

I am writing this for a special friend of mine who recently asked me to explain what it is to have a personal relationship with God.  This woman is someone I consider a lifetime mentor, someone who has walked with God since her childhood.  She is someone who loves God deeply.  On the day she called me she had heard a sermon that urged the listener to have a personal relationship with God.  “What?” She considered. “What is he talking about?  I can’t be the only person who doesn’t understand what he means.”  She explained to me that in her faith tradition, God is King.  He is Other.  He is to be revered and awed, bowed to, sung to, prayed to and esteemed… but, to call him friend, or use the word “personal” to describe her relationship with Him, felt like it crossed a boundary of respect.  The notion was unfamiliar and somewhat uncomfortable, but it had, nonetheless, caught her attention!

What is a personal relationship with God?  It sounds presumptuous at the very least, and might even feel audacious or fairytale-like.  But, think about it for a minute — Isn’t the idea spectacular?  

Doesn’t it feel intriguing and beautiful and exquisite to consider that it is possible to have a mutual and intimate friendship with God?  

We can tend to be intimidated by the “otherness” of God and miss all the ways His love reaches out to touch us.  Every.  Single.  Day.  Could it be that the love of God feels more familiar than we recognize?  The formality of church invites us to worship and adore the God who is hallowed and majestic but consider, that this same God calls us children and friends.  Doesn’t the fact that God is Love mean that WHO He is — IS personal?

Love is always personal.  

The fact is, we could never hope to be friends with God if it were up to us.  It would be like strolling into a castle and taking a casual seat next to the king.  “Hey, buddy!”  NO!  The king must summon us — and He did!  Relationship was God’s idea and before we dared call Him friend, He called us children.  But, that’s not all!  The cross demonstrated the lengths God will go to prove His love for us.   And, yes, the sacrifice of His only Son was audacious and spectacular and exquisite and indeed, the TRUEST tale of LOVE ever told! 

How do we have a personal relationship with God? 

We start by saying “yes” to the King’s invitation to come and then we take our place at His table.  We let Him be our Father, and one day at a time, we learn to recognize His voice, notice His presence, and delight in being His child — named, known and deeply loved.

“Thank you, Father, that you call me friend— that You know my name and are acquainted with all my ways!  Keep reminding me that you are a close and personal God.  Help me  feel the reality of your love.  Amen.”

What about you?  

How do you respond to the the idea that God knows your name and loves you personally?

What is your relationship with God like?

Would you like to feel closer to God?  Ask Him to draw near and help you feel His love.

God loves you right now and always — no matter what.  I pray you will say “yes” to His invitation to come.


Wiggle Room

DSC_1301By Judy Villanueva

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

I watched my little grand daughter enter the swimming pool with a kind of excitement that spills out of children when they are enveloped in favorite things!  Her smile reached out from the water with a gentle power that seemed to float over and declare the blessed truth that “There is a God and He is fun!” Suddenly, I saw her expression change as her foot left the last step and she could no longer touch the bottom of the pool! I knew her water wings would hold her up but she did not believe this and began to panic. Her body stiffened and what was magical a minute ago was now frightening. “You’re ok,” I assured her, “Your wings will keep you safe. Stay calm. Breathe.” How fast the shift can be from faith to fear, joy to panic — from freedom to the prisons  that confine our hearts and dictate how we live and feel.

Where do you need some wiggle room? What are the places in your life where you feel stuck or confined? It might be an emotional pattern that leads to an outburst or shutdown. It might be a tight place where you find your heart narrowed or cut off from love. Has fear tightened its grip? Has despair closed in?  We can usually put our finger on it by considering the circumstances where we feel hemmed in and without much power to be what we wish — the place where we lack freedom in Christ.

Freedom to trust God, freedom to love, and freedom to act from grace rather than out of the pressured places of worry, fear, and anger.

In moments of truth, how do we find the internal space to NOT DO what we usually do and DO something better instead?  To be someone better, one moment at a time.

I love the story in John 18 where Jesus identifies himself to the soldiers, officials, chief priests, and pharisees who have come to arrest him. They ask, “Are you Jesus of Nazareth?” and when He declares, I AM He they all draw back and fall to the ground!  The reality of Christ is powerful and it is in Him that we find our wiggle room!

The challenge is to notice what has come to arrest our freedom and then to pause and pray for His power and a little space to do and be something better!

I want to live OUT OF the reality of the great I AM, don’t you?  I want to stop in front of the tight places of my life and take a deep breath!  I want to confront confinement and speak truth to my heart. “There is a God and He is mighty!”  I want to trust that His wings will hold me up and give me the courage and power to live free.

“Lord, help me live the reality of the great “I AM”. Thank you for your commitment to my freedom!  Be my strength and courage and wiggle room in the tight places.  Amen.”

What about you?

Where do you need some wiggle room to live differently?

What are the places in your life where you feel stuck or confined?  Where you feel locked into one way of being?

Does fear or worry ever steal your freedom?

What might it be like to live out of the reality of the great “I AM”?


Act. Love. Walk.

IMG_0409By Judy Villanueva

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

The most important thing about your life is not what you do;  It’s who you become.  That’s what you will take into eternity.” (D.Willard)

The year past has been a blend of satisfied dreams, dreams in process and those dashed on the rocks of disappointment.  Yet, for the Christian whose goal is to grow in holiness there is, alongside every outcome and, in the midst of all the in-between spaces, a DIVINE  hand that faithfully and lovingly shapes who we are becoming.  The pressure is precise, purposed to root out behaviors that deplete and disintegrate us — AND aimed at shaping His image in us. 

Who do you want to be?  How do you want to be?

There are few places in Scripture that are as specific about God’s will for us as this verse from Micah 6:8.  What does He require of us here, there and everywhere?  To act justly or in other words, to do what is right.  To love mercy!  This is a little tougher.  There is an expression that goes something like this, “Grace for me but justice for you.” We want that second chance and would rather NOT pay for our misdeeds BUT we aren’t always willing to forgive  those who have hurt us.  

Loving mercy is a pursuit that releases something of divine beauty into our souls.  

Mercy begets mercy and the gift of being forgiven is meant to make us merciful people, thankful forgivers!

Lastly, it is required that we walk humbly before our God.  This is a disposition  of mind and  heart!  It is waking up grateful because God has given us breath.  It is praying before each meal, each shower, each experience of goodness because God has provided.

 It is an inner posture of readiness to listen and obey, repent and turn, receive and worship.  

It is living in remembrance of the CROSS and standing before the MAN that we want to look like as we make decisions, put others first, suffer losses, and celebrate victories. In humility, Jesus walked to Calvary carrying a cross and there, a mighty fusion of justice and mercy occurred where we received OH such amazing GRACE —

as the King’s love for mercy acted out justice and died to set us free!

“Thank you, Jesus, for living a life that shows me what it looks like to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before our God.  Fill me and form me and make me more like you.  Amen.”

What about you?

Who do you want to be?  How do you want to be?

Can you feel the Holy Spirit’s invitation to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before your God?

What might that look like today in your thoughts?  Feelings?  Actions?

When was the last time you stood before the cross and looked up?  Take it in, the beautiful love of Christ.
