Monthly Archives: October 2024

Peace Be With You

FullSizeRender-5By Judy Villanueva

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.   (John 20:19-20)

Sometimes when I read a passage I can feel the Holy Spirit ask if I’d like to hang out a while.  The invitation felt irresistible this morning as I read Jesus’ words, “ Peace be with you!”  This summer has been one of disruption as we’ve undergone some major home repairs and reconstruction.  Noise, piles of mess, and undone spaces continue to upset the peace and order I cherish.  What was to be four months is entering month eight and I confess I feel as undone as the broken walls around me.   Has anything stolen your peace lately?   “Peace thieves” are running rampant these days but God’s Word is a mighty weapon and His voice, ALWAYS,  a path to peace.

I love that when Jesus entered the locked room where His disciples were hiding for fear of the Jewish leaders, His first words were “PEACE BE WITH YOU.”  He didn’t scold them for being afraid or express disappointment that they were not full of faith, bold and brave.  He knew they had suffered a great loss and were broken-hearted. 

So, He walks through the walls (because there is no locked door that can keep Jesus out!) and offers them a priceless gift – HIS PEACE! 

Jesus Christ, our good Shepherd, first joins them in their hiding place and then proclaims four words over them that shatters fear, restores balance, and strengthens hope!  He then stretches out His arms and shows them His wounds as if to say, “It’s really me!” 

Do you need some fear shattered?   Are up feeling upside-down and need help to reorient?  Could your hopes use a little resuscitation?  Let’s hang out with Jesus and this passage.  Imagine yourself in the room with the disciples and watch Jesus come and stand among you.  See Him walk into your locked room and feel the power of His presence!  Now, listen to His voice declare to your heart “PEACE BE WITH YOU!”  Don’t rush off to the next thing, k?  Hold His words, let them touch you with Shepherd love

because Jesus is here.  Right here.  Right now.  Offering us His peace.

“Thank you, Jesus, for being my Prince of Peace.  For seeing me in my hiding places and coming to be with me there.  Thank you for speaking peace to my soul today! Amen.”

What about you?

How would it feel to have Jesus come and stand with you in the upset places? 

How do you feel as you read/hear Jesus say, “PEACE BE WITH YOU”?

The Word of God still speaks into locked rooms and troubled hearts.  I hope you’ll hang out with Jesus and let Him speak peace to your heart.  Take your time.