O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. (Psalm 139:1-5)
One of my earliest memories is of being rocked in my father’s arms and soothed by a tune that he used to hum over us kids. His deep voice made it a rumbly lullaby that I could both feel as well as hear, and it wasn’t long before the humming gave way to sweet dreams. I remember the feeling of being held and calmed by his voice and, to this day, this little tune quiets me. It is a melody that I’ve since heard myself hum to calm my children and grandchildren. Being held and “hummed to” created safety all around and inside of me. “Dad is here. It’s all going to be ok. I can rest.”
Is there a more beautiful reality than that our lives are held by God…always?
Our sitting down and rising up, our every thought and word, coming and going, working or lying down, He knows! He is intimately acquainted with everything about us. We are seen, known and loved by the God who made us…at all times, in all places, no matter how we feel about it. How DO you feel about it? It is an easy idea to cuddle up with when all is well with our world but it can be a most prickly truth to believe in the dark of night. How, when we are frightened by the night, can we rest in His arms and let the sound of His voice bring us peace?
The fact that we are finite creatures means that we can only see “in part” and are not able to grasp the entirety of why things happen as they do. There are times when we will not understand our lives…when we simply do not and can not have the same perspective as the God who always sees everything all time, now and forever!
The nature of being held means that it’s not up to us to know everything.
Believe or not, that is good news! What IS up to us is to trust the One who sees and knows what we cannot, and let HIm hold and deliver us into the plans He has for us. Can we lean back into the divine arms that cradle our lives with love, compassion, goodness and purpose? He holds all things together with perfection… even when we cannot perceive it.
“Thank you, Father, for holding my life…always. To know that you do, consoles me. To consider that you know me through and through helps me to exhale. You are here. It’s all going be ok. I can rest. Amen.”
What about you?
Is your heart troubled? What brings you comfort?
Where/with whom do you experience being known?
Do you need to know today that you are seen, known and loved by the God who made you?
He loves you and is intimately acquainted with all your ways.
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I was reminded reading this that there a couple of ways to be held. The first is not holding still and pushing against the one who is trying to hold you. The other is to lean into the arms that are holding you, let your body relax and breath steady, deep and slow. I long for the second choice and yet I find myself in the hurry of life doIng settling for the first. I need to remember to slow down let the arms that can gently hold me and sing that eternal song of the Father wrap around me and hum in my ear.
This is such a beautiful picture of what it means to trust. I wish I were better at it. Thanks for pointing me toward rest today, Judy. He is beautifully expressed in your writing and in your life!
Your message brought tears to my eyes…..the memories of being held and loved.
God’s love has been from the moment I was…..LOVE what a gift to be graced with from the beginning of life. God Almighty blessed me with a wonderful loving family.
I truly marvel at the love that has been constant my whole life, and love continues to
flow from new people, the little ones… we call our great ones.