Monthly Archives: February 2015

O Love of God!


By Judy Villanueva

“Could we with ink the ocean fill,
   And were the skies of parchment made,  
Were every stalk on earth a quill,  
And every man a scribe by trade;  
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;  
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
  Though stretched from sky to sky.

 Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!  
How measureless and strong.   It shall forevermore endure—
The saints’ and angels’ song.” (Frederick Lehman)

There was no moon that night.  I sat on the deck in my favorite spot with my face pointed upward at the sky, listening to the hushed song of the pines as the summer breeze played chase amongst their needles.  The stars joined us with a heavenly brilliance that stretched out like diamonds across the black expanse.  Magnificent!  It was as though God had taken off the sky-blue lid that covers the earth by day and invited a peek into infinity!  I felt so small by comparison and insignificant in the grand scheme of heaven and earth.  I remember thinking of all the millions of people who had come before me since the beginning of time and, even now, considered that I am but one among millions on planet earth.  Beneath the twinkling canopy that enveloped me I prayed,  “How, Oh God, can You know me?  I am but a speck in the vastness of creation.”  And, that is when it got interesting!

Feeling that our lives have meaning is so core to our sense of well being that relating to a speck of dust can cause an unpleasant plummet.  Indeed, it did for me that starlit summer night until, that is,  I became aware of God speaking to my heart.  He said, “You’ve got it all wrong, daughter.  You are looking at things backwards.  Come! Sit with Me.”   In those gentle moments under the heavens, I felt God enlarging my vision and redirecting my focus from my finite way of looking at my place in the universe to His face.  Boom!  There, all previous notions of insignificance evaporated and what was left were the beautiful eyes of my Father.

What had once spelled out “speck”, now spelled out “LOVED”, and rather than feeling small and insignificant, I felt in awe of God’s capacity to know ME among millions.

That He CAN and that He DOES  makes Him an awesome Father and mighty God!  His love infuses our lives with meaning and transforms unpleasant plummets into a dances of wonder and worship!

God’s love spreads out around us all the time!  It is the ground beneath our feet and the sky-blue lid over our heads.  God’s love is grand, profuse, and ecstatic with joy!  It celebrates our company and eagerly awaits our notice.  The love of God is star-studded spectacular,  pure, and everlasting!  The night sky no longer speaks to me of my smallness, but shouts to me of my Father’s glory and grandness…and through it I see His beautiful eyes that watch over me!

“Father, the stars will probably always take my breath away and remind me of this very night and way you helped me see beyond myself.  Help me again and again to seek and find your face.  Thank You for loving me.  Amen.”

What about you?

Do you believe that God really knows and notices you?

Have you ever thought about God’s measureless capacity to know and love you personally?

What does it mean about God that He can?

How would it feel to live a day noticed and known by God?

Do you know how to sit with God?  Try it…He’s waiting for you.

Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
 your faithfulness to the skies.  (Psalm 36:5)

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Loving Matters

photo-13By Judy Villanueva

1 John 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

I tiptoed into my children’s rooms, one at a time and kissed them goodnight.  With mixed feelings I stared at their beautiful sleeping faces, so sweet and peaceful.  All I could think of was how impatient I’d been that day when all three needed me at once, and how much I longed for quiet during the afternoon play hours.  Ugh!  Guilt.  How would these children survive me, such an imperfect mom?  I remember sitting with my dad one day, confessing my short-comings as a mom and asking for his wisdom.  His input was unexpected but so  life giving.  He said, “Just love them!  You’ll make lots of mistakes in parenting.  It’s impossible to get it perfect, but you can love them…and that makes all the difference.  Loving matters.

The truth of these words has stayed with me over the years and guided me faithfully through many situations where I have felt inadequate.  Entering the prayer room,  counseling office, or even having breakfast with a friend,  I always wish I had more to offer in the way of wisdom and healing “know how”.  Do you ever feel that way?  Listening to stories feels very sacred and as tears flow and heartaches are shared my first reaction is always to want to bring immediate relief.  If I could, I would waive the wand to relieve suffering, but since I cannot I follow compassion to the cross and look up for help!

There in its shadow,  I hear God speak a familiar refrain. “Just love them.  I Am doing what you cannot but you can love…and loving matters!”

Let us love one another!  It will surely cost us our comfort and may be inconvenient.  Most of the time, it won’t feel like enough and every time our hearts will ache to do more, but loving matters and is  the closest some people ever get to the heart of God.  When we join another in their suffering, when we share a burden and offer love, we give and are given a priceless gift.

Loving, even when done imperfectly, touches pain with our presence and ushers people into the arms of God.

“Thank you, God, for your love. How I need You and depend on Your presence to love well.  Give me courage to bear burdens and share suffering.  Fill me with Your love, fresh and mighty for each new day.  Amen.”

What about you?

Do you ever feel inadequate when face to face with another’s deep need?

Do you also need courage to bear burdens and share suffering?

Would you rather fix something or love someone?

Have you felt the power of love carry you into the arms of God?

“Let us love one another…for Love is from God!”

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Cultivating Joy!

lake louiseBy Judy Villanueva

Psalm 16:11
You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.

We reached the top and stood facing a full view of the Rocky Mountains iced in snow! The wind was blowing and the air was a warm 63 degrees…spectacular! Have you ever felt joy sweeping you up through your senses? As we walked down the hill I savored the feeling of the sun on my face, the sight of my husband walking slightly ahead of me, and the sound of pines as they sifted the wind. It soothed my soul and placed my worries in a larger context, a joyful one held securely in the hands of God.  If I ever need convincing that God is kind and good I need look no further than how He designed us to share in the beauty and glory of all that He has made!

One of my favorite questions to ask a new friend is “What gives you joy?” “What delights your soul?” “What draws you into the goodness of God?” Problems and challenges seem to find their way to the forefront of our awareness because, like the prick of a needle, pain demands our attention and, unfortunately, can be rather hoggish about it.

Being present to joy amidst and alongside life’s struggles, however, helps us remember that God is good.

Witnessing His love and kindness through the joys that a day offers inspires hope and shifts our attention to the reality of God with us. He is with us!

When my daughter was little we used to play a game on vacations or wherever we happened to be when we bumped into beauty!  I would say, “Stop! Now, freeze this moment.  Take a mental picture and never forget…” the aspens we were hiking through or the lake we were sitting by or the feel of the wind blowing through us!

Cultivating joy is a powerful spiritual exercise, not to mention its potential to transform our perspectives and enlarge our capacities to see God in and above, before and behind all of life.

But, it requires our engagement and sometimes our willingness to confront old patterns of thinking. God has designed us to share His life and see His glory in the midst and alongside our real lives. He is present in warm winds, sweet fragrances, good friends and countless other secret plans to sweep us up with joy and help us along our way!

“Father, thank you for the gift and grace of our five senses and the way they allow us to take in beauty, sounds, flavors and the feel of Your love around us. Awaken me to the day’s invitations to joy and help me to tuck away your goodness and remember Your history of faithfulness to me. Amen.”

How about you?

What gives you joy?

What draws you into the goodness of God?

How might you cultivate joy today?

Can you receive His joy today, however it may come to you, in the midst and alongside your real life?

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