Jeremiah 31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
Isaiah 43:1 Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
We belong to God! What could be more life-giving than knowing that we are loved with an everlasting Love? Sadly, in this world we do have trouble and when the pressure is on, we can lose hold of this beautiful truth. Disappointments, losses and hopes deferred can cause us to feel unloved and unwanted by God. If that is what you are feeling today or ever, then let it sound an alarm to your soul! It’s not true. Don’t believe it! Lean in and lean hard into the Father’s voice! It may not be easy, but do it because God is speaking, always speaking! “I want you….I always want you. I love you. You are mine.”
We, each one of us, were created to feel wanted and loved. I believe it crushes the heart of God when life in this fallen world causes us to forget, doubt, or worse, stop believing that we are named, redeemed…and His! It makes sense, I suppose, that this is where we are often disturbed and thrown off our feet, spiritually and emotionally. If we doubt that our lives matter…that God keeps track of our smiles and tears, then we may find ourselves tossed about by the wind and whim of circumstance.
Hearing God whisper “I want you” pierces our souls with light! What else can compare? It calms our fears, gives us courage, and becomes a place of residing joy within us. Read what God says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” We must hold these words close to our hearts as if we are pressing the truth of them into our very bodies and, should we ever feel shaken and unwanted, we need not fear. Instead, we must remember that independent of our feelings, God remains faithful! He is with us and we are His!
“Father, how often I am fearful and forgetful that You are ever-faithful! I want You to be my place of residing joy and freedom. Thank you for Your unfailing love…and that You always want me. Help me daily to hear Your voice calling my name and leading me to Your heart. Amen.”
What about you?
Have you ever felt unwanted?
What gets in the way of believing that God wants you/loves you?
What helps you hear God’s voice of love?
Thank you, Judy. What a gift to receive this reminder!
I love this so much. Thank you, Judy!
Love you!
Lynn passed on a beautiful devotion to me this morning and in it CS Lewis was quoted. He said, “I read in a periodical the other day that the fundamental thing is how we think of God. By God Himself, it is not! How God thinks of us is not only more important, but infinitely more important.” (from Weight of Glory) Thank you for reminding me of how God thinks of me.
Thank you Judy. So timely this was for me and a good reminder of the deep unfailing un changing love of our dad in heaven. His heart is for me. Always.
Love u
I believe that God made us to be wanted and loved, and that is why it is sad to see the
news and see babies and children that are in orphanages around the world being
tended to, but sad to see no expressions of love, cuddles, tiny kisses to let them know they are wanted and loved. Your message today let’s me know that they have been loved
and wanted by God Almighty before they were, and I pray that God gives
someone grace to let them know how much God loves them.
Powerful, important message of Love and Wanted….thank you.