
IMG_0109By Judy Villanueva

Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8)

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

Winston, aka: Phatboy, was our warm and loveable English lab for over 14 years. True to the Labrador breed, he loved people, chasing balls and eating — although I’m not sure inhaling dog chow qualifies as eating!   Rain or shine, when the clock struck 4:00 he’d begin to panic and twirl around in circles to remind us that it was mealtime.  In his frenzy for food, he refused to chew anything!  Even when my husband tossed him a chunk of meat off the grill he would simply open wide and swallow!  He couldn’t possibly have tasted a bit of it but, I suppose being a dog, he was unable to appreciate that chewing has a purpose.  It breaks down food, draws out flavor and helps nutrients absorb more efficiently.

How do we taste and see that the Lord is good and how do we live on every word that comes from the mouth of God?  The other day my husband and I were reading Psalm 37 and when we happened upon the words, “Trust in the Lord and do good…” (vs.3)  I felt drawn.  I noticed these seven words above all the rest.  They seemed to “shine” and I knew exactly what I would be chewing on that day.  I felt curious about what God wanted to say to me about these words and what they might mean for my life.  I like to take scripture with me after a morning reading and chew on it throughout the day.

I have found that while reading the Word speaks to my head, chewing on it throughout the day nourishes my soul!  It is how informational reading becomes transformational.

Chewing involves returning to Word and ruminating on it. It becomes a quiet conversation where we ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand why we’ve been drawn and then, listen as He speaks to us about our lives. In the process we may receive correction, inspiration, or strength.  For example, as I chewed on the morning reading I felt God both correct and encourage me.  I’ve been preoccupied with worry lately and His Word to trust and do good pulled me out of a self absorbed place and set my eyes back on Him.  Thinking about the Word with God is how we draw out its flavors and absorb its nutrients. If we desire to be transformed we must digest the spiritual food of the morning…and prayerfully, become what we eat!

“Thank you, Lord, that you help us to hear Your voice as we read and chew on the Word. It brings us life! Teach us to notice where you are drawing our attention and encourage us to slow down enough in our day to chew, taste and learn from you. Amen.”

What about you?

Have you experienced being drawn to a particular word or phrase in Scripture?  What do you usually do next?

Beyond your normal study of Scripture, think about setting aside time to read for transformation.  Slow down and notice what you notice. Then,  become curious and ask God what He wants to say to you.  God bless you as you read, chew and listen.




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