
marierainbowBy Judy Villanueva

Jonah 3:10-4:4 

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.

But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. He prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”

But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?”

Aren’t you glad that judgment is in the hands of God…and not ours?  If it had been up to Jonah, Nineveh would have gotten what it deserved and paid for its sins with death.  He, personally,  would rather have died than see this city receive grace.  Justice.  We are each born with a sense of it and naturally lean toward evening up scores, paying debts owed, and making sure evil is not rewarded.  We feel better when justice is served!  Right?  Then, there is our just God who always seems ready to believe for the good in us…to be touched when we are sorry and turn toward Him…and, whose love keeps reaching for us with grace and second chances.

Have you ever thought about the heart of God?   I read passages like this one and marvel!  It is a glimpse into breath-taking glory!  Time after time, God’s creation defies Him and goes its own way.  Time after time, God creates magnificent scenarios to entice and rescue His beloved from their propensity to run away from His presence,  jump out of boats, and get swallowed by large fish.  It is almost amusing to “hear” Jonah scold God for being gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love!  “Oh I just knew you would relent from sending calamity.”  Amazing Grace.  Glorious and heart-stopping Love!  It convinces me afresh that God’s commitment to His creation is tenacious, unrelenting and more patient than we can fathom.

Sitting in the stench and slime of a whale’s belly gave Jonah the needed pause to reconsider God’s request to preach salvation to the Ninevites!  Coughed up on the shore, he finally obeys, and God’s offer of grace is accepted by the people.  But, Jonah is angry that God’s plan has worked!  “Is it right for you to be angry?” God asks.  A question designed to prompt Jonah to reflect, repent, and reorient.  Had he gotten too big for his britches, thinking he knew better than God?  Jonah’s story makes me all too aware of my own tendency to seek justice over mercy.  I can feel God’s question offering a needed correction.   In contrast, God’s patience and generosity with both Jonah and Nineveh invites me in close for a look at His beautiful heart.  There is power in reflecting on God’s heart!  Each peek is transformative, each glimpse giving new vision…each drip helping my heart to feel the beat of His, oh so amazing, Grace!

“Lord, I wish I could say that I cannot relate to Jonah.  Help me remember that You are God and I am not!  I want to be humble and pliable…ready to obey You.  Touch my heart, Lord, and enlarge my capacity to love others more like You.  Amen.”

What about you?

Is there a “whale belly” in your life that might be a pause, meant to help you obey something that God has asked of you?

Do you seek justice or mercy for others?  Are you bothered when someone gets a second chance?

How are your britches fitting lately?  Do you need to take time to reflect, repent and reorient?

Mercy, Lord.  We pray for Your touch that creates Divine capacity to obey, forgive and seek mercy for ourselves AND others.


Like a Spring Rain,   by Colporteur

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2 thoughts on “Justice

  1. When I was little I was quick to condemn, quick to want punishment for the wrong doer,
    quick to want justice. My mother would say “God will sort it out. You have made me
    understand that it is more than getting justice, God is love, God is compassionate,
    above all God is merciful, and sometimes we are all in need of His mercy.

  2. I love that! “God will sort it out”! More like, He sorts us out:) I love that God is as just as He is merciful, compassionate and loving…and it all led to a cross. Oh wonderful love of God!

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