I Know My Sheep…

DSC_1115By Judy Villanueva

John 10:14
I am the Good Shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me.

John 10:27
My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me.

It was the day of our reindeer excursion and as we hiked behind a young, red-haired Scot, I realized that this was not going to be the petting zoo I had expected! When we finally arrived, we found ourselves atop a thousand-acre preserve overlooking fields of grass bowing under the force of the highland winds and littered with the last blooms of heather. After some instructions about what to do and not do around wild reindeer, Zach, our guide and reindeer shepherd, put his hands to his mouth and drew a deep breath! The sound of the call that he bellowed over the landscape gave me the chills and we all stood in silence watching for what would happen next. One after another, reindeer were running toward the sound of their shepherd until close to a hundred magnificent creatures had gathered in anticipation of a morning snack! Zach began telling us their names, their position in the herd, and about their specific personalities. He pointed out Hamish, the dominant male, and Elvis, the young up and comer. He told us about the baby albino and, literally, the number of hairs per square inch that made up their coats!

This experience gave a whole new meaning to Jesus’ words, “I know My sheep.” We aren’t just one of the herd! He knows our names, what we look like, our quirks and unique personalities. He recognizes my crooked smile and your funny toes! Jesus knows us intimately! He knows our strengths, our weaknesses, and the number of hairs on our heads. He knows the parts of us we like to show everyone and the parts that we hide and protect.

He listens for our voices, contented or disturbed, so that He can attend to our needs, guide us and be our place of shelter.

He keeps track of us and knows where we are at all times. He watches over us and protects us, even when we feel alone and on our own. Jesus calls to us in the middle of our days to come to Him…and be fed. The question is, do we hear His voice?

Recognizing the voice of our Good Shepherd is no great mystery, although it sure can feel like it at times! Like all relationships, we grow in familiarity by spending time together. Hearing God may seem ethereal, but His voice becomes clearer, more discernable as we regularly read the Word, pray, and learn to pay attention to ordinary revelation.

We tend to only “count” extraordinary revelation (lightning bolts and the miraculous) but the reality is, God is always speaking and learning to tune in to His voice around us can become a gift of His presence all day long!

The sun rising and setting becomes a declaration of His power, order and goodness. It’s comforting. The Word written on our hearts becomes a whisper that directs us toward truth and God’s will. It’s guiding. Worship music bypasses thinking and sings God’s love over our soul. It’s nourishing. And, the prayers we pray alone or alongside a friend become experiences of talking with God and learning to hear His voice. Pay attention to daily revelations of God’s love, run toward His voice wherever you hear it, and rest…knowing you are known and watched over by our good and faithful Shepherd.

“Jesus, thank you for being my good Shepherd. It touches me to think that you actually know my name, my goofy smile and what is important to me. I want to recognize Your voice in my days. Help me to hear You calling to me through all the ways You’ve created. Help me to stop, listen and run to You. Amen.”
What about you?

Do you know the sound of the Good Shepherd’s voice? Do you recognize His voice when He calls?

How does it feel that God knows you and all your ways?

Where and how do you hear God best?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZjxY0iL2xcGod knows your name and cares about you. Talk to Him and learn to hear His voice.

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3 thoughts on “I Know My Sheep…

  1. Sometimes I need to be tapped on the forehead to remind me about
    our God and His Glory.
    It gave me a wonderful feeling to know how well God knows me. When life gets
    overwhelming it is good to know that God knows what is happening with me, how I
    feel, and grants me the grace to cope. Thank you for reminding me that He knows
    who I am, where I am, and what is going on in my life…..thanks for the tap on the

  2. Judy, I just started reading Henri Nouwen’s “Discernment.” In the introduction, he writes, “Divine guidance can be found in the books we read, the nature we enjoy, the people we meet, and the events we experience. Through the practice of discernment…we can open our hearts to the divine presence. We can discover who we really are.” This blog post sounds just like what I’m reading in this new book I just happened upon in the library. Thank you for sharing your heart and your own experiences of Jesus.

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