Monthly Archives: September 2013

Jesus Wept

DSC00088_2By Judy Villanueva

“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)

I love that Jesus wept. Oh, not at first…initially, I didn’t understand why Jesus wept for Lazarus when He must have known that He could raise Him from the dead. Even if the Father had said “No” to that plan, Jesus, more than anyone, knew that Lazarus was in a better place. So, why did He weep? I mean, He didn’t just shed a tear and give Mary a hug…Jesus wept!

But, I love that Jesus wept because it tells me that our God is with us. Our – God – is – with – us! Jesus could have skimmed over that moment where death had stolen a dear friend and brother’s life, but He didn’t. Yes, He was omniscient and yes, He was all-powerful! But, knowing all and being All didn’t prevent Him from living that important moment with Mary and Martha in the fullest way. He did not shy away from suffering a deep sorrow. He didn’t minimize it. He didn’t move ahead of it. He lived it with them and Jesus wept.

I love that Jesus wept
because it reassures me that I am not alone in my suffering. My Savior, who knows what is working together for good, doesn’t ignore what is at present hurting, nor would He ever dream of having me endure it alone! He stays right with me and because of His amazing love, chooses again and again to weep when I weep.

“Thank you, Jesus, for being with me all the time and in everything. Thank you that I am never alone in my joys or sorrows. Thank you that, even though I forget you regularly, You cannot and would not ever, ever forget me. I love that you wept for Lazarus and I love that you laugh and weep with me. Amen.”

What about You?

Do you know that Jesus is with you all the time and in everything?

Is there a place of sorrow where you need to remember that you are not alone?

Whether you are experiencing joy or sorrow, share it with Jesus. He is with you and cares deeply for you. Registered & Protected<br />

Listening for Love

DSC_0494_2By Judy Villanueva

Do you want to hear God? I do! For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to see and hear God☺ Sometimes, as a kid, I’d sit up alone late at night by the light of the Christmas tree and wait, so hopeful for a peek at God! I’d finally get tired and go to bed disappointed. I prayed hard and studied prayer as a young adult, certain that if I kept at it, I’d find the secret to hearing God. I read the Bible and had the sense that prayer wasn’t meant to be a one-way dialog but, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how to tap into the Divine voice. I often felt like Zaccheus hanging out on that branch straining to see Jesus, until one day, the branch collapsed.

Life had gone from charmed to inexplicable. Circumstances had pushed my faith in God to a breaking point where I no longer felt the surety of Him under my feet. Life felt random and I felt hurt and disappointed with God. It was during this season of complete disorientation where God began to teach me how to hear His still, small voice. No longer able to pray and having lost my way spiritually, God began to sneak up on me from behind with tender words of love. I remember, for example, being on a walk one day during this dry season, and becoming aware of a sweet fragrance that seemed to enfold me. It was accompanied by a lovely breeze and before I knew it, I felt a hug from God! These gestures of love would catch me so off-guard that they’d make it into my heart before I could put up any defense against them, and once in, began their work of healing.

My prior concept of the sound of God’s voice included thunder-like encounters where the “boom” of His voice was loud and clear. I supposed that God’s voice might even be audible or at least, obvious. Many Christians, when speaking of hearing God, recount stories of Him telling them this or that in rather clear, definitive terms. My experiences of hearing God were expanding but remained more ordinary and required an openness to “count” impressions and notice when my heart seemed drawn by God to His goodness whether through a song, a person, in nature or a passage of Scripture.

In the years to follow, I began to appreciate how God speaks through ordinary things, like a smile, a Gerber daisy, a rainbow, through beauty, stars, a kindness or even dark chocolate! I had narrowed the sound of His voice to only include the extraordinary, but God started opening my eyes and ears to His divine voice that sings throughout the day and night. God was awakening a kind of “hearing” that helped me feel, smell, taste and see His voice! And, I began to “count” all of it as His voice of love around me.

I believe that God is always speaking and longs to have us hear His voice of Love. My sincere hope is that this blog will invite the reader to his/her own discoveries of hearing God. One of the sweetest places of encountering God, of course, is in His Word and learning to “hear” Him speak in and through the passages of Scripture is a wonder, a joy, and a life-changing encounter!

The format of this blog will normally be a personal reflection on a passage of Scripture and a few questions to help guide the reader into places of pausing, noticing God, and responding to the Word. I don’t know if this will mean anything to anyone, but I pray God uses this blog to help others tune into His magnificent voice of love. Registered & Protected